Plug-in Page Elements

Sousa is intended to be a general platform in which new content elements can be easily added. This page describes the pieces needed to create such a modular environment.

Each content element needs the following handler-methods:

  • Display the content element
  • Edit the content element
  • Display a thumbnail
  • Interactivity handler
  • Edit parameters
  • Save parameters
  • Edit content
  • Save content

A set of utility classes for Content Elements could be considered, perhaps having an interface like this one:

interface CEBase {
    void displayContent();
    void displayThumb();
    void editContent();
    void handleInteraction();
    void editParameters();
    void saveParameters();
    void editContent();
    void saveContent();

The details of the parameters need to be worked out, naturally.

Interactivity Handler

In some cases, the content element will be interactive. This object or code (TBD) allows interactions to occur including saving captured responses.


The element may need to be graded once viewed.

Load Content

If the content element is described by XML, this allows it to be loaded (and optionally parsed and processed).


Parameters can be associated and edited.