Search-dropdown-nav Roster Interactions

Dropdown, search box, find and clear button interactions

The introduction of the dropdown list raises the issue of how it interacts with the other roster data inputs and controls.

Ray has implemented the dropdown with the following rules:

  1. The section filter is excecuted upon select
  2. Entries in the search field always act as subsearches upon any selected section filter. If the name of a site member is entered, but that member does not belong to the section being filtered on, then a "not found" result is returned.
  3. The Clear button controls only the search entry box

Question 1. Any issues with search-dropdown interaction as implemented?

The following message for a not found result is currently displayed inside the grading table in the student name column in lieu of all other data:

No students to display

We've already heard comments that the message should change if a section has been filtered on. Daphen is also concerned about the generic message, since we do not support ineternal truncation, e.g., Francis F Coppola returns the failed search message.

Question 2. Further comments, suggestions on the message for zero results?

Another bit of interaction that was not spec'ed for the gradebook previously that should be accounted for now is roster back forward navigation's relationship to the search box. Testing this on UCB's 2.0 production instance, if you enter a search term and click the forward navigation arrows, the result is a background error and blank iframe – I will enter a JIRA ticket. Josh and I think this action should clear the search term and simply execute the navigation. However, if you click the back arrows after entering a search term, there is no error and the filter is executed.

The per page dropdown executes the search, filters the roster correctly and resets the per page number. This seems fine.

Question 3. Further comments, suggestions on paging navigation?