Board Minutes 2010 June 14


June 14, 2010 (1 PM - 5:30PM)

Attendees:  Josh Baron, Maggie Lynch, Chuck Severance, John Norman, Michael Feldstein, Ian Boston (???),Stephen Marquard

Guests:  Kim Thanos (remained for strategy review only), Lois Brooks (outgoing interim Executive Director),Ian Dolphin (incoming Executive Director)

(1) The Board moved into executive session to discuss and approve the search committee's selection of Ian Dolphin for the position of Executive Director.  The Board approved his selection and moved back into regular session.

(2) Josh Baron, Board Chair, lead a review of the Board's strategy that came out of the 2009 Board Retreat as means to brief Ian Dolphin and answer questions posed by some of the new Board members who had not be involved in the retreat.  This briefing was followed by a discussion of the status of strategic goal obtainment and the need for possible "course corrections".

(3) The Board spent time discussing the status of "Sakai 3" and the strategy emerging from the "Sakai3 Steering Committee".

(4) The Board dedicate time to discussing a range of general business issues including discussions of potential strategic alliances with other organizations, issues of financial stability and next year's conference.

(5) The Board concluded with an open discussion with the incoming Executive Director to respond to his questions and provide additional guidance in areas he was seeking Board input on.

Minutes recorded by

Josh Baron, Board Chair