Entity Provider Internal capabilities
This documents all known internal capabilities (capabilities included in the main entity broker project) of the Entity Provider.
Internal Capabilities
- AutoRegisterEntityProvider - Causes the EntityProvider which implements this 0 method interface to automatically be reigstered with the EntityBrokerManager when Sakai starts up
- Resolvable - Allows access to an actual object which represents this entity (does not have to be the persistent object itself), requires implementation of a 2 method interface
- Propertyable/PropertyProvidable - Allows an entity provider to determine that entities can have persistent properties attached to them
- ReferenceParseable - Indicates an entity provider has the capability of parsing its own reference string. An entity that does not implement this interface is assumed to deal in IdEntityReference references.
Under development
- Importable - Allows an entity to be imported
- Exportable - Allows an entity to be exported
- Taggable/TagProvidable - Allows tags to be attached to an entity and entities to be able to be located by tags
- Searchable - Allows entities to be searched and filtered
- ParseSpecParseable - Allows an entity provider to define the parsing specification for its own reference string
- Cacheable - Allows an entity provider to specify that all responses to entity broker calls should be cached and defines the amount of time to cache the calls