Creating a Grant Proposal


  • Harry is the leader of a research group
  • Judy is a researcher
  • Roberta is a reasearch group leader in a Italian University
  • James is a copyright and IPR lawyer used by the organisation

Use Case

Harry has identified an opportunity for his research group with one of the EU funding bodies. To build a better case for funding his research he decides to collaborate with an Intalian University and agrees with a colleague in that University, Roberta. Harry sets up a worksite in the Sakai and adds a Discussion Tool, a Resources Tool and an Wiki Tool. Since they need to explore the outline agreement of their collaboration, Harry creates a workspace within the Wiki and gives members of the worksite access to the collaboration space. He then sends an email to Roberta inviting her to join the worksite.

She joins the worksite and begins to outline what her research group has to offer in the area, and what her research group has done in the past that is relevant to this proposal. Together they begin to build a Wiki space that contains the basis for their propsal. After several days they have an issue over shared copyright. They bring together some of the documents and publish them as PDF's using the Wiki PDF tool. They put these into the Sakai resources area and send them to James to answer the questions about shared copyright and IPR. It becomes clear that James needs more information and the email exchanges are getting in the way of collaboration. James joins the worksite in Sakai and is given access to the Wiki workspace by virtue of his membership of the worksite. He reviews the source documentation and makes some changes to specific wording. Harry and Roberto are monitoring the pages for changes by email notification so are aware of all the changes that have been made.

As the detail of the workschedule is being developed the core team need to ask for the opinion of Judy. Harry changes the permissions on some sensitive documents and invites Judy to join the Sakai worksite. Judy reviews the areas that concern certain aspects of the research. Judy references some content from previous research work sites and copies some of the supporting material into the resources area.

Finally the team build a proposal document that is converted to PDF and delivered as the final proposal.

Alternatives would include:

  • the draft proposal is converted to Open Office document format or Microsoft Word and final editing is done within version control in that application
  • sections of the draft proposal are cut and pasted into a Word application form supplied by the funding agency

3 months later the grant is awarded, Harry and Roberto create a new Wiki space within the Sakai Workspace and begin planning the implementation. The original proposal workspace is restricted to the members of the management committee.