Problems and knowns issues related to OpenSyllabus

This list applies to OpenSyllabus Alpha (first release). It is not intended to be exhaustive. We will add more details with future releases!

  1. The resources associated to the syllabus in edition are in the Resources tool. One of the consequences is if the Resources tool is available to users that are not supposed to see the syllabus in edition, they will see the resources anyway.
  2. You need our version of SDATA to use the document and citation browser. If you don't use it the available functionalities are reduced
  3. OSYL is built against a specific snapshots of Sakai 2.6.1, 2.5.1 ....
  4. The links generated in the PDF file for documents that has accents in their names is not correct. The problem is associated to the XSL-FO transformation of the accented name in the link.
  5. When add a document and delete just after (before associating it to a rubric) the default rubric "undefined" still stays. If you refresh OpenSyllabus the rubric will disappear.