Collect & Associate & Tag

Collect & Associate & Tag


Content may be selected by users, instructors or administrators to be collected or associated within a workflow or portfolio presentation:

  • Portfolio presentations allow selective collection where students select content to be included in their presentation based on suggestions in the presentation template.
  • Workflows allow selective collection where students select content to be included on a workflow page (e.g. to demonstrate a certain competency)
  • Workflows allow binding collection where instructors or administrators bind a required piece of content to a workflow page (e.g. assignment submission that automatically is displayed on a competency page)
  • Tagging allows associating content with pages in a workflow (e.g. competencies) or associating content with other content

User Stories

  • Jane Student uploads a document describing her summer internship and adds the global tag "Example of Work". Later that year, she is using a Workflow that has a page requesting examples of work, she easily finds her summer internship document by searching all documents tagged as "Example of Work".
  • An administrator would like to connect/associate Assignment #4 as meeting Competency #2. He creates a Competency Workflow that includes a page for Competency #2 and creates a corresponding "Competency #2" tag. He also tags the assignment with the "Competency #2" tag. When a student submits Assignment #4, it will appear in the Competency #2 page of the student's Competency Workflow.
  • An instructor would like to connect/associate Assignment #4 with his blog post on Japanese Art history and also with a website about woodblocks. He creates a global "Japanese Art History" tag and associates it with the assignment, the blog post, and the URL of the website.

Functional Details

  • Artifact: a single piece of content (e.g. form, assignment, uploaded-file, external url)
  • Semantic Tag: tag defined by authorized users for identifying content
  • Collection: student/user explicitly creates artifacts within a defined workflow or attaches artifacts to a page within a workflow
  • Association: student/user creates an artifact outside of a workflow, but uses a defined semantic tag to associate the artifact with a workflow page
  • Program staff (faculty or coordinator) can create outcome/goal sets to capture learning objectives.
  • Learners can review the outcomes relevant to their course and portfolio work artifacts
  • Learners can associate artifacts (content, artifacts, files, assignments) with outcomes to demonstrate proficiency.
  • Program staff can create expectations (Guide) specific to given materials (structured data/forms).
  • Learners can freely associate artifacts with goals or outcomes outside of the structured expectations.
  • Learners can collect or associate artifacts created in Sakai 2 or Sakai 3 for their workflows and portfolio presentations.
  • Artifacts (content) must include different media types (e.g. pdf, video, audio, structured form content, ...)
  • Artifacts (content) must be easily re-used between portfolios

Semantic Tags facilitate associating content with each other, or with competencies, objectives or outcomes. All tagging usage described here assumes that semantic tags are defined by authorized users for use by all users.

Authorized users create Semantic tags within the context of a workflow (e.g within the 'Public Health' workflow, a 'Leadership' tag may be created and associated with one or more pages). Semantic tags may be applied to any content. Tags may be promoted to global tags by authorized users. Tags are created with a context (optional), name, and description (tags without a context are considered global). Content may be discovered by searching by tag.

Diagrams & Mockups


Implementation Details

  • Leveraging tagging to create an "intentional repository"