Proposed OSP Requirements (future)

Proposed OSP Requirements (future)

under construction

Improving the user experience

Overall Usability

  • Relationship to Sakai UI work? Constraint of Sakai style guide (Limitations of JSP/JSF)?
  • Whatever portfolio work users are doing is as seamless as possible; users do not have to navigate between tools in order to complete a portfolio process. Make it simple to do simple things. Make process more intuitive, less like work. * Make UI more consistent.
  • More coherent design and workflows - Fewer clicks to get to a form, matrix, or wizard, to move from a form to a matrix or wizard, to create and share a portfolio. Eliminate needless clicks to reduce user fatigue. See DePaul design.
  • Requires a UI designer who can implement (knows AJAX and JSF, etc.). See for example, DePaul mockup for freeform portfolio functionality.
  • Conduct usability testing to assist with decision-making.
  • More complexity needed with some tools - e.g. drag and drop, pull-down menus, rich text editors for freeform portfolio.
  • Show all guidance without a click.
  • Fix confusing terminology: "Submit for evaluation," vs. "Submit for evaluation confirmation," "Add form" vs. "Select existing form."
  • Put Continue and Cancel buttons at the top and bottom of pages.
  • Allow sizing of rich-text input fields

Matrices, Wizards, and Evaluations

  • Offer basic and advanced paths through wizards and matrices.
  • Provide a more intuitive approach to the use of forms in matrices/wizards.
  • Allow the addition of optional forms to the main page of a wizard
  • During the matrix/wizard creation process, allow owners to specify number of pages in wizard and rows/columns in matrix rather than adding one page or row/column at a time.
  • Add flexibility to evaluation/feedback cycle. Permissions structure for evaluation/feedback is too rigid. Need flexibility for multiple evaluation forms. Need mechanism for student to add evaluators.
  • Provide more workflow control by allow the admin to change the status of a cell/page in a user's matrix/wizard to any status (i.e. ready, pending, complete).
  • Integrate Goal Management "rating" with the Evaluations tool.
  • Matrix UI Review

Resources, Forms, and Portfolios

  • Make it as easy as possible for user to access the metadata available for any item.
  • Store labels in a file that can be easily modified (Needs more clarification)
  • Provide a button to display selected items and hide unused items.
  • Include critical data (instructions, etc.) inside forms instead of external to them.
  • Create additional documentation tags to provide way to format forms.
  • Expand Outline Options to display all relevant forms inline when creating a portfolio rather clicking through forms to fill them out in Resources.
  • Portfolio UI Review


Reports JIRA Tasks for OSP 2.6

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Reports JIRA Feature Requests for OSP 2.6

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Goal Management Tool

Small: A few weeks work

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Medium: One-three months work

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Assignments + Goal Aware: Requires design discussions

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Existing GMT Requirements

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Project Refactoring

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Large: Around six months work

  • Allow evaluators to import and use full rubrics with matrices of criteria, levels, and descriptors for use in rating goals by clicking the descriptor for the level and criterion that correspond to each student's performance. (Could be schema-based/rubric manager?)
  • In order to review student work teachers have to select "grade" in the assignments tool. If they select "rate," they cannot see the student's work. Teachers who only want to rate assignments have to select "grade" to view the work and then back out and select rate to score the assignment. If they need to take a second look at the work, the process has to be repeated. (Workflow through assignments - Taggable API implications)
  • Teachers who only rate assignments and want to return an assignment for re-submission should be able to do so from the rating instead of the grading page. (Assignment tool workflow conditionality - Tagging API is totally outside of assignment workflow, which makes this difficult)
  • View and rate evidence from within reports (For external program evaluators - working outside course sites)

Huge: Many months (9+) work

  • Global goal mapping/rating equivalency (Multi-layer algorithmic with transitive dependency - need examples, feedback, and resources)
  • Ability for students to link artifacts to global, program, and self-created goals outside the context of a course (Self-created portfolio? Make Resources goal-aware? Consult with Jim Eng? Broader requirement dependent upon updated UI/workflow)
  • Ability for students and advisors to see a graphical (matrix-like) view of individual progress toward meeting goal sets. (Tooling for abstract definitions of phases/transition points - Rubric? - Broader requirement dependent upon updated UI/workflow)

Unknown (no estimate of time involved)

  • Allow assignments to be imported from any site type to any other site type. Allow goal management to function with assignments in any site type. (Unknown quantity - Why does this happen? - How do we allow it? - What is a good implementation? - Selective imports?)
  • Provide a button for teachers to allow all students to resubmit a particular assignment any number of times. (Unconditional resubmit - Assignment tool workflow - Does anybody else want this? What are the impacts?) - Note: There is a ticket regarding this issue (SAK-2077), and it looks to be partially resolved on the 2.5 timeline.
  • Allow previous teacher comments to persist when assignments are resubmitted. (Is this a bug? - Allow multiple comments? Issue with assignment tool)
  • Ability for advisors to guide their advisees in creation/selection of evidence to demonstrate achievement of one or more programmatic or global goals (Free tagging vs. logical view for advisees? - "trick reporting"?)
  • Deeper integration of OSP with goal management tools. Tag all learning with goals. Students use the goal management tools to generate their own goals and tag learning artifacts with them.


Freeform Portfolios: Improvement in usability to allow for more student control over layout and linking

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Portfolios Using Templates

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(Following may not be a priority for any institution but LaGuardia. Possibly a contrib tool from LaGuardia)

  • User should be able to import a .zip file and all the HTML and images will be created as Content Resources / Content Collections in "My Workspace" resources.