UI Subgroup Notes
UI Subgroup Notes
Fundamental Redesign of Configuration User Interface
- For example, see the DePaul design
- requires a real UI designer who can implement (knows AJAX and JSF, etc.), not just mock-up (can institutions that care about design pool resources to fund this?) (See attached designscreensALL.pdf sample of DePaul mockup for freeform portfolio functionality as an example)
- XSD Weaver = good example
- Relationship to Sakai UI work?
- Difficulty of being constrained by Sakai style guide (+ limitations of JSP/JSF)?
Brainstormling list of simple usability improvements
- Way too many clicks and choices
But also need complexity on some tools - e.g. drag and drop, pulldown menus for freeform portfolio
- show all guidance without a click
- Stuff inconsistent
- Suppress items that aren't used
- Usability testing and actual
- Don't display unused items
Suppress select items button - need to be able to select what displays
- When designing, have basic and advanced paths through wizards
- Matrix creation - specify number of columns and rows rather than adding row/column at a time
- More intuitive approach to optional form in matrix/wizard
- Option to display forms inline rather than through clicked through to form filling out screen
- Make it simple to do simple things
- Terminology: "Submit for evaluation," not "submit for evaluation confirmation"
- Fix confusing terminology "Add form" vs. "Select existing form" (different terms? instructions?)
- Support for adding an optional form to the main page of a wizard
- Store labels in a file that can be easily modified - may be now?
- Continue and cancel button at both top and bottom
- Add better defaults
- Option for forms to be "in-line", i.e. display form entry directly in page
- Option for optional form on main wizard page
- When adding items, put Continue/Cancel buttons at top and bottom of page
for situations where the list of resources is really long
- More control on workflow – allow admin to "manage status" to change
cell status to any status (i.e. pending, etc.)
- Goal Management "rating" integration with OSP Evaluations tool
, multiple selections available,