(IU / rSmart / Michigan/ UVA / Syracuse) Lead Contact: Melissa Peet
Documentation should include a map and description of how all the tools work together.

User Documentation

IU will be contributing KB text articles, as well as short Flash videos created with Captivate. This documentation will be for both users, i.e. students, and authors.

rSmart, in partnership with Charles Sturt University of Australia, will contribute a map and description of how all the tools work together, including simple 'start here' cookbook and docs on how to construct the various interrelated data structures. This will include the following:

  • sample interrelating sets of data structures with examples of populated forms, wizards, and portfolios for a variety of portfolio purposes - accreditation, self presentation, integrative learning, project portfolios.
  • documentation on the workflow for creating and using the data structures.

Authoring Documentation

IU will be contributing KB text articles, as well as short Flash videos created with Captivate. This documentation will be for both users, i.e. students, and authors.

Library of Sample structures

This would include forms, wizards, etc.

  • By April 1, 2007: rSmart ,on behalf of Charles Sturt University, will provide a foundation for a library on Sakaiportfolio tools. This documentation will reflect the current state of the Sakai portfolio tools in a structure that allows for change and expansion as the tool set evolves. 
  • Beyond April 1, 2007: Other members of the community will participate in updating and adding to the materials as the tool set evolves

Idea to Implementation Documentation

rSmart in partnership with Charles Sturt University, (with additional contributions from the University of Michigan) will make a significant contribution to this area. Wende Morgaine will also make contributions.  Because so much of the work it takes to run OSP is conceptual, documentiion for the entire "idea to implementation" process must be provided. This large area of documentation includes everything from how to determine goals for the matrix and types of measurement for the columns, to how to craft reflection questions,  minimize data migration problems, and identify the best pedagogical approaches to boost adoption of OSP,

Specific rSmart contributions will include: 

1.  a very high-level answer to the question, "What can you do with Sakai's suite of portfolio tools?"

 2.  a very high-level answer to the question, "What are some of the more common uses of wizards, matrices, and portfolios?" focusing primarily on uses for these suites of data structures that have widespread applicability: personal portfolios, portfolios to guide teaching and learning, and portfolios for institutional assessment and accreditation. As needed to ensure understanding, these docs will explain the context in which these items might be created and their intended value.  For each of these areas, the following will be provided:

  • A List and name the elements needed (e.g., three forms with the following fields, one matrix or wizard, one presentation template, etc).
  • a high-level workflow that indicates who does what when to create the structures and participate in their use throughout the life cycle of the sample
  • A view of the final product as seen by participants and remind readers of the intended audience and application.

Becoming a Community Participant

Many newbies to the OSP and Sakai communities have commented on how hard it is to get involved. When you come in cold, you don't even know to join the mailing list. Once you know it exists, you don't know where to find it. The same can be said of confluence. The information the public gets about OSP needs to be calibrated to the newbie and needs to be accessible to them if adoption is going to increase.