Aggregated Portfolio View in My Workspace (WIP)

Selenium test script attached. Find the attachment.



Expected Outcome

System Test Script


Log in as jaggrega (new user created in step 2 of preparation script)




In My Workspace, click Worksite Setup

You should see the "Workset Setup" screen.


Click the checkbox next to MyWorkspace and click Edit.

You should see thesetup page for My Workspace.


Click Edit Tools, check the boxes next to "Portfolios", and click Continue.  then click Finish.

The Portfolios tools should now appear in the tool menu of your worksite.


Click Portfolios.

You should now see the the two portfolios you created as well as the two created by the site administrator.


Select Permissionss and enable Delete, Comment, Create for the maintain user (you)



You should be able to do all the things with portfolios that you can do in a portfolios worksite:

  • add, share, edit, view statistics, download, delete and hide your own portfolios
  • view comments you've made in response to shared portfolios
  • view comments made in response to your portfolios
  • hide select portfolios (click hide and then clcik Remove Hidden Items) and unhide hidden portfolios (click Show Hidden Items)



Test each of the above features to esnure that they work as expected within the aggregated portfolio view.

Features should work identically to equivalent feature in portfolio worksite.