( U Michigan / rSmart )
Improve ability to edit and completely delete data structures (forms, wizards, portfolios) once created and published. Rethink the immutable design of published data structures and when it makes sense to allow changes in them, i.e., should it be possible to add pages to a wizard once it is already in use?
- Documentation on Matrix Wizard Mutability
Key to estimates:
- small = one day or less
- medium = one week or less
- large = more than one week
Id |
OSP-WF-01 - Adding Rows and Columns |
Status |
lead: UM |
Description |
In a published matrix:
Id |
OSP-WF-02 - Removing Columns and Rows |
Status |
lead: UM |
Description |
In a published matrix when no participant has added items or reflections to a page:
Id |
OSP-WF-03 - Changing the forms in a page |
Status |
lead: UM |
Description |
ID |
OSP-WF-04 - Add more flexibility when editting forms |
Status |
sak-8591 scheduled for 2.4 |
Id |
OSP-WF-05 - Being able to test (preview) a matrix and wizard |
Status |
lead: UM |
Description |
A matrix designer has the need to test matrix before publishing. This could be part of the preview mode. Besides the status published, unpublished there would be a status named preview. In the status anyone with the appropriate permission can use and/or revise the matrix. On publishing the matrix all data is removed. |
Id |
OSP-WF-06 - An author will be able to delete a published matrix (and wizard) |
Status |
lead: UM |
Description |
If a designer needs to make more extensive changes than allowed by these rules, a new matrix may need to be designed and an existing matrix deleted. |