Test Scripts

Message Center Permissions Widget Test Scripts

Activity One: System Administrator Verifies UI and Defaults

System Administrator verifies the UI according to the mockups and the default Permission/Level and Role/Level associations.

Activity Two: Test Preparation

This is the base activity for all proceeding tests.

Activity Three: Author Sets Permissions for Default Settings Template

Author sets the permissions for the default settings template that he/she would like to apply to New Forums.

Activity Four: Author Creates Forums and Sets Permissions

Author creates a new forum and sets the permissions that he/she would like to apply to New Topics.

Activity Five: Author Creates Topics and Sets Permissions

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'ST.Activity.Create Topics'.
Unable to render {children}. Page not found: ST.Activity.Create Topics.

Activity Six: Students Participate in Topics

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : No link could be created for 'ST.Activity.Students Participate'.
Unable to render {children}. Page not found: ST.Activity.Students Participate.