Sakai Development Infrastructure

Sakai Development Infrastructure

Sakai uses the following tools for conducting its development work:

We always need help administering these systems and it is a great way to contribute even if you don't have much time. Contact the current administrators if you'd like to help out.

Infrastructure Requests

Requests for any Sakai infrastructure changes (e.g. new svn commit privilege, new JIRA project, new Confluence project) are now tracked via the JIRA Infrastructure project at https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/INFRSTR -- please make all requests for changes/additions/deletions by creating a new JIRA Infrastructure issue or sending an email to infrastructure@collab.sakaiproject.org.

Sakai 2.9.x and 10.x Source Control – Subversion

SVN Password Reset

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Self Service

1. Go to: https://portal.wush.net/password/developer/home

2. Fill out the "Developer password reset" form:

Master Account Username = sakai-svn

Username = your committer email address

  Note: the email address provided must match your current account username

3. Click "send me a verification email" button

4. A verification email will be sent to the email address provided with a
link to complete the password reset.

Report any issues encountered to the sakai-core at apereo.org mail lists.

Issue/Bug/Feature Tracking – Jira

Sakai Wiki – Confluence

Email Lists – Mailman