

Crowdin.net is an online translation tool for crowd sourced translations. Check out the Crowdin video to get an idea of how it works:

How to contribute translations with Crowdin?

This is very easy!

  1. Just go to http://crowdin.net/project/sakai-cle 
  2. Register yourself as a Crowdin user.
  3. You can then start adding translations or vote on existing ones.

Each string can have multiple suggested translations by different translators. Some users have Proofreader permissions that will allow them to review all translations and select one of the suggested translations as the 'approved' translation.

How to synch files between SVN and CrowdIn?

Users with Manage permissions can use the Crowdin CLI tool to upload source (resource bundles) to Crowdin. To use the CLI tool you will need a config file that defines which files contain i18n strings. You can find this file attached to this page. You will need to obtain an API key to interact with the CrowdIn API.


  1. Obtain manage permissions from the CrowdIn project owner
  2. Download the config file (attached to this page) and place it in the root of your SVN working copy of Sakai
  3. Login to CrowdIn and copy the API Key into the config file (you can find it under Settings > API)
  4. Run one of the crowdin-cli commands below
  5. Commit changes to SVN

To upload source files from your SVN working copy to CrowdIn:

crowdin-cli upload sources

To upload translations files from your SVN working copy to CrowdIn use:

crowdin-cli upload translations

To download translation files from CrowdIn to your SVN working copy use:

crowdin-cli download


If you only want to synch files for a specific language you can use the above command in combination with the language parameter. For example:

crowdin-cli upload translations -lNL-nl


How do I become a Proofreader or Manager?

Just contact the project owner or an existing project manager.


How do I get my translations contributed to the Sakai code base?

Please read the instructions at the bottom of this page