0.6 - Configuration
Since the configration is specific to the use case, we will describe a specific use case (ours) and discuss the configuration steps necessary. Hopefully, you can build on this.
The goal of this configuration excercise is to make a top level (program site) for managing and sharing a list of goals that maintainers of class sites can use to link their assignments. Additionally, a program coordinator will have the ability to view reports related to curriculum mapping and performance ratings in all classes in the program. The Instructor will be able to view the same reports for their own class. Students will be made aware of the Goals that Instructors link to their assignments.
Site setup
In the Administration worksite an administrator should:
- Set up a site for the course and record its site-id
- The class should have the assignment tool and the Goal Management Tool for this configuration
- Set up a site for the program and record its site-id
- The Program site should have the Goal Management tool for this configuration
- Edit the realm that corresponds to each of the above site-ids
- Add roles for a Program Coordinator, Instructor
- You can leave the maintain and access roles for use by an admin and students
In the Administration worksite an administrator should use the Sites tool to:
- Set the "goalAware" configuration setting of the class Assignment tool to TRUE and set a min and max numeric value for the rating scale
In the program site the program coordinator should use the Goal Management tool to:
- Create a goal set
- Add goals
- Publish the goals
In the class worksite an administrator should use the Goal Management tool to:
- Associate the class worksite to the program worksite (this action is hardwired to the maintain role) by clicking Modify Worksite Associations selecting the appropriate checkboxes.
In the class worksite the class Instructor should create an assignment and link it to Goals in the Program site
- Create an assignment as you would normally
- From the Assignment list page, click "Link" under the Assignment
- Select the worksite from the dropdown menu that contains the Goal Set you want to link to
- You may click the [+] link next to the Worksite title to expand the Goal Set heirarchy
- Click [Add Link] for each Goal you want to link to this Assignment. Each time you create a link you can set a few parameters related to the link:
- Visible (checkbox) - if this is checked, this link will be shown to students when they view the Assignment.
- Exportable (checkbox) - This is a flag that Syracuse will use. Rating information tied to "Exportable" links are considered particularly important for program assessment and are "key indicators" of student progress through the program.
- Rationale (text) - This is descriptive text that allows the Instructor to describe the relationship between this Assignment and the Goal.
- Rubric (text) - This is descriptive text that students will will see (if the "Visible" checkbox is checked) that describes how their work will be rated on this Goal.