1.0 release tasks


This contains information related to the 1.0 release tasks (all tasks carried over from 0.9)
JIRA tracking: http://bugs.sakaiproject.org/jira/browse/EVALSYS




In Progress=(info)


Defer to next milestone=(error)

Critical Tasks

  1. (minus) Scheduling for evals (registering start, due, etc...) and switching eval states Former user (Deleted)
    1. Scheduling evaluation state changes (inQueue -> Active -> Due -> Closed -> Viewable)
  2. (minus) Email functionality (continued) Former user (Deleted)
    1. Scheduling emails (Quartz scheduler)
    2. Links in emails work to take an eval
  3. (minus) Direct URLs to evaluations
    1. Direct URL which requires authentication
    2. Direct URL which allows anonymous
  4. (minus) Test external contexts providers Former user (Deleted)
  5. (minus) AJAX reordering Former user (Deleted)
    1. (tick) reordering of template items on the modify template items view
    2. (question) reordering of template items within a block in the modify block view
  6. (info) Ensure that all current functionality is working Lisa-UM?, testers?
    1. verify that i18n applied to all strings
    2. verify that no broken links or buttons exist on any page
    3. check that user cannot cause exceptions with input
    4. check that no exceptions occur
  7. (minus) Modifying items (question)
    1. Change control panel to a "templates" and "evaluations" view
    2. Create "items" view to support choosing and listing existing items
    3. Allow users to remove unlocked items
  8. (tick) JIRA bugs and issues remaining from 0.8 (assigned within JIRA)
  9. (error) Basic Reporting. There are multiple tasks in this so each has its own JIRA issueFormer user (Deleted)
    1. (tick) Instructors should be able to access reports (not just owner) (EVALSYS-115).
    2. (tick) 4 tasks related to use of groups (EVALSYS-80):
      1. (tick) Use groups for ViewEssayResponses (including making sure everything works via bread crumbs),
      2. (tick) Use groups for export CSV functionality,
      3. (tick) Make "Choose Reports Groups" page accessible via bread crumbs. Currently it is missing from bread crumbs,
      4. (tick) Add the choose group screen when coming from "My Evaluations" page. Currently it works only when coming from "Summary" page.
    3. (tick) Export CSV functionality fails when answer for a question left unanswered by student + does not display / handle essay type questions (see EVALSYS-123 for details like discussion with authors).
    4. (error) Reporting should work for multiple instructors (show a particular instructor only his/her specific questions) (EVALSYS-121).
    5. Reporting should work for added items - Aaron is working on this.
  10. (tick) Tasks related to user input Former user (Deleted)
    1. (tick) EVALSYS-107.
    2. (tick) EVALSYS-108.
    3. (tick) EVALSYS-109.
  11. (tick) Bugs injected by different people while adding functionality Former user (Deleted)
    1. (tick) EVALSYS-106.
    2. (tick) EVALSYS-110.
    3. (tick) EVALSYS-111.
    4. (tick) EVALSYS-112.
    5. (tick) EVALSYS-113.
    6. (error) EVALSYS-114.
    7. (tick) EVALSYS-118 (closed as haven't heard from Rick).
    8. (tick) EVALSYS-120.

Non-critical Tasks

  1. (minus) Expert item creation (admin tool) (question)
  2. (info) Allow instructors to add items to evaluations assigned to them Former user (Deleted)
    1. Create new view from wireframe
    2. Use basic hierarchy code
    3. Update the logic layer to return the instructor related items
    4. Update everything that gets templateitems to use the logic layer and not the lazy loaded list from the hibernate object
  3. (minus) Preview New Items Former user (Deleted) (1.0+)
    1. http://bugs.sakaiproject.org/jira/browse/EVALSYS-9
  4. (minus) Evaluation Bean split and rewrite - EVALSYS-22 Former user (Deleted) (1.0+)
    1. http://bugs.sakaiproject.org/jira/browse/EVALSYS-22
    2. (minus) Split out evaluationBean into 3 classes
      1. Evaluation creation - session bean
      2. Evaluation modification - request bean
      3. Evaluation util class
        1. (minus) Update evaluation related buttons to links on the control panel view
    3. (minus) Destroy old evaluation bean