JVM Language BOF

This BOF is for alternative JVM language enthusiasts (or potential enthusiasts) who are working using other JVM languages inside Sakai. We will chat about our experiences so far, and talk about issues that need development to further our work.

But I haven't used a JVM Language besides Java yet! (sad)

There is an incredibly comprehensive list of languages that run on the Java Virtual Machine here: http://www.robert-tolksdorf.de/vmlanguages.html
Regardless of you syntactic and language persuasion, I'm sure that there is something in this list that will strike your fancy.


Let's try to meet at the Sunset room on Tuesday at 15:30.


  • Integrating scripting languages such as:
    • Groovy
    • JRuby
    • Jython
    • BeanShell
    • more
  • Integrating with scripting languages frameworks
    • GRAILS
    • RAILS
    • Django
  • Spring's Dynamic language support
  • Projects that surface scripting language support
  • Domain Specific Languages (DSLs)
  • Performance
    • Number of interpreters being created and hanging around
    • Speed of singletons and non-singltons for various languages once they are created
    • Perm Space, Dynamic languages for the JVM can sometimes consume lots of perm space during development due to lots of use proxies and cglib, etc
  • Interfaces and PTW (Proxying The World)
    • Use of java interfaces for object interchange
    • Support of the proxies created by various languages, ie levels of support for getting actual java objects from the language and what level of support there is for generating the class methods at runtime if it's not implementing an interface
  • Developing Conventions
    • Create a set of conventions for directory and file locations for scripting environments
    • Providing a 100% compile free development environment while maintaining Sakai's architectural integrity
  • Acceptance and Advocacy
    • What sorts of things need to be done in order for tools and component written in alt JVM languages to actually be accepted into production?
    • Documentation, stability, load and integrity testing...
    • Killer apps, functionality deliveries