OSP Post-Conference 2.5 Planning Meeting

OSP Post-Conference 2.5 Planning Meeting

The minutes to this meeting are located at: http://confluence.sakaiproject.org/confluence/x/ubI

We hope to see you at this meeting! If you are planning on attending, please RSVP Former user (Deleted) to let us know so that refreshments can be arranged.

Session Abstract

This is a reminder of the OSP post-conference 2.5 planning meeting that will be held from 9 am to 3 pm at the University of Amsterdam campus at:

Informatiseringscentrum (IC)
Room 007
Herengracht 182
1016 BR Amsterdam


The agenda is as follows:

  • 9:30-10:30 Update from Michigan and overview of requirements areas
  • 10:30-11:30 Break out groups for each requirement area (continuing planning work from Michigan meeting)
  • 11:30-12:00 Report Progress from Small Groups
  • 12-1 Lunch (sandwiches provided by the University of Amsterdam)
  • 1-2 Break out groups for each requirement area (continuing planning work from Michigan meeting)
  • 2-2:45 Report back from breakout groups
  • 2:45-3:00 How to be involved in the 2.5 release (weekly calls, etc.)

A broad list of requirements for OSP 2.5 (established at the OSP 2.5 Planning Meeting at U of Michigan) are:

  • Aggregated View
  • Goal Management and Framework for Integrating GM into tools
  • Improving the User Interface
  • Reports
  • Portfolios
  • Meta-Tagging and Searching
  • OSP Library

Presentation Materials

  • Session leaders are encouraged to post their presentation materials as Attachments to this Page. (See Attachments tab above.)


  • Session leaders are encouraged to post their podcasts on the main Amsterdam Podcasts page (a central repository of podcasts) and may also choose to link to them from their session page. See the main Amsterdam conference wiki page for more details.

Additional Information

  • Session leaders are also encouraged to appoint a session convener, a podcast recorder and/or a note-taker and post the minutes of their session on a Page (see Add Page link near top-right.)
  • Participants and Session Leaders are encouraged to post Comments (see Comment form below) or create additional Pages as needed to facilitate collaboration (see Add Page link near top-right.)
  • Child Pages for this session (Added Pages will automatically appear in this list)