WebCT to Sakai Migration BOF

Date: Thursday 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Room: INTL C

Institutions and partners interested in migrating from WebCT to Sakai.

There is an existing WebCT to Sakai Migration page on the Confluence site at WebCT Migration.

Rough notes from the BOF:

Growing interest in moving from WebCT to Sakai.

There has been some work on moving from BB to Sakai.
WebCT users are thinking who is working on our stuff?

Most present running 4, 4.1 and 6 and 6.1

There is an existing space in confluence - WebCT Migration sitting in WG: Migration: archiving, goals, course migration.

IMS Course Cartridge also part of the migration group - trying to figure out content + questions from one environment into another. Ideally, take a course from one environment into another.

Publishers are trying to figure how to do this - waiting for this common standard. Publishers go into exclusive alliances with particular LMS?

On the confluence space - portable portfolios, open courseware , migration architecture project. This is our space to contribute.

Migrating a course

  • Need to lower expectations?
  • Migrate course content to Melete?
  • Content migration utility
    o Using the command line vs GUI interface via the CE Migration Pack (CEMP)
  • Architecting changes being brought about

Moodle people

  • Little bit ahead
  • Might need to work with them to get things going
  • Have worked on importing a WebCT course into moodle.

WebCT - Sakai mapping (also on the confluence site)

  • Similar to when migrating from CE 4.1 to CE 6 for the WebCT users
  • Might need to look at migrating individual tools eg calendar
  • Will probably need some data for example for discussions

As a group what are we going to work on?

  • Need to prioritize which tools.
  • Samigo is very important - some questions types not supporting.
  • Where do we want to put our resources into?
  • Missouri that has a more detailed stats tool per student

Approach that Sakai is working on in terms of moving things in and out on a higher level: Tour of Sakai import. Generalized.
Data is imported, broken down into module. Up to the handlers of the various tools to import into specific tool. Break it down and suck it into tool. Not sure how many handlers already exist. All tools will need to have a handler.

Most difficult to migrate - tests and quizzes.

What will happen when the WebCT license expires? Will the server just drop dead? Need to ask our, now, Bb rep.

Is rSmart working on migrating from WebCT? Does the consortium maybe have to pay rSmart to do it for us?

Put examples of quiz tools on confluence. Legal ramifications of this?