Europe and Sakai - pedagogy is key

Room: International C
Thursday, December 7th at 4:30 PM.
++++ additions are welcome ++++
We discussed the following items.
1/ What is the current situation in Europe?
In Vancouver we listed this:
Current info on use and proliferation of Sakai in The Netherlands can be found on Main users of Sakai are University of Twente Wytze Koopal) and University of Amsterdam (Frank Benneker).
Lübeck (Andreas Wittke, Rolf Granow): 100 courses in Sakai, in production. 13 partners in Baltic Sea region. Also supporting Moodle. Rest of Germany: possible interest in Bremen and Stuttgart.
Valencia (please fill in your names): 4000 courses, 40.000 students, in production. Wanna take up more dissemination efforts within Spain. Devoted a lot of efforts towards training teachers. See also for their production system. See their presentation at the Atlanta conference at Biggest concern with Sakai as a whole: the internationalization efforts are not getting the proper attention within the wider Sakai community. Furthermore: difficult to 'sell' Sakai against Moodle.
Portfolio4U (Jan van den Berge): commercial company, based in the Netherlands. Focus on OSP within community colleges. Translated OSP 2.2 (together with University of Amsterdam) in Dutch.
Sakai Quebec (Daniel Dupont): seperate entity in Quebec. Have made translations for Sakai. Are in contact with universities in Liege, Montpellier and Paris. Very much working with Sakai from a pedagogical viewpoint, just like the Europeans.
Stoas (Victor Maijer): commercial affiliate of Sakai Foundation. Company in the Netherlands, focussing on elearning systems (Bb, Moodle, Sakai etc).
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2/ Pedagogy and Sakai
We talked about this in Luebeck and afterwards. We started a (discussion) paper. Unfortunately the Scandinavian people are not here to discuss this further. Rolf Granow (Lübeck) makes the case that there is an urgent need for action regarding Sakai and Bologna (mobility of students).
The Pedagogy DG also needs a volunteer leader. Maybe one of us?
3/ Working together on Bb/WebCT migration within Europe
There is quite some interest within Germany, Austria and Switzerland to start a feasibility study (led by Lübeck) regarding migration from Bb/WebCT to opensource (Sakai in this case). It is very likely that we will get funding for this from local/national government, within the European context. Can we work together with other institutions? Amsterdam has expressed interest. Utrecht thinks it is too early. Please contact Andreas Wittke if you are interested.

A small, but significant, question we also addressed:
1. Will we have a seperate second European Sakai Day? Or: Should we extend maybe the Amsterdam conference with one (European) Day? Or should we have a seperate European track in the conference? There is a sort of consensus that extending the Amsterdam conference would be best.

Thank you for meeting with us in Atlanta!