Planned Iterations

Iterations based on Context Scenarios

These iterations are based on context scenarios (workflows of a particular user to meet a particular goal). These scenarios will encompass the functionality of the Current Sakai Admin Tools as well as the new requirements of the course management project.

Context Scenarios (ordered)

  1. Manually create course site
  2. Request (instructor) and approve (support staff) course site
  3. Automatically create sites
  4. Manually add people to my site and assign them to sections (if applicable)
  5. Students sign-up for sections (already in course, no SIS data for sections)
  6. Automatically add students to my site
  7. Manually manage sections previously managed automatically
  8. Manually create sections for my class and assign students and TAs
  9. Reuse material from previous site
  10. ?
  11. ?
  12. ?
  13. ?

Others Context Scenarios (to be ordered)

  • Repurpose existing site
  • Create work groups
  • Manage work groups
  • Add a guest lecturer to my course site