Permissions & Description of functionality

Test Conditions

Smoke Tests

Smoke Test: A set of tests to run that verify the basic functionality of the component is working.

Regression - Chat Clear Archive Test Cases

    • Enter in chat messages. Choose options and click 'Clear history'. Ensure that after clicking clear history, the user is presented with a delete confirmation message 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete all messages from this chat room?" that also lists the room title and description (see note A)
      • A) Cancel out of the Deleting all message from the chat room. Ensure that messages aren't cleared.
      • B) Click 'Delete' and ensure that history is deleted from the database.
    • Enter a chat room with no messages. Click options, clear history. Clear chat when there are no messages in the room. User should be able to proceed through workflow as if there were message in the room
    • Enter in a number of chat messages. Click 'Options' Set the room to show show no history.
      • Enter the chat room by resetting tool and/or clicking name of room. Ensure that no messages appear
      • Ensure that archiving notification is appropriate "Only messages from the current session can be read by site participants."
      • Use options to set ability to now display some of the chat history. Ensure that appropriate history does appear.
    • Create multiple chat rooms and enter in messages. Ensure that clearing the chat for 1 room does not affect the others.
      • Repeat for rooms with the same name.
    • Review the logs. Watch for exceptions.

Crude SQL to verify deletion
select * from CHAT2_channel where owner = '0de04f3c-c32e-4477-80ef-b1fdc5a2389f'
select * from CHAT2_MESSAGE where channel_id = '61fc5f0a-082b-497a-807b-05a0747ff5e1'