Installation Guide

Installation Guide


Breeze 5 can support single sign-on from an external system via modifications to it's configuration to support HTTP Header Authentication. However, additional modifications must be made in order for this authentication to work with the XML API. By making these modifications, any external system that can process HTTP requests will be able to communicate to a Breeze 5 server's XML API without having to reauthenticate.


Installation instructions for the breeze tool for system administrators.


This tool is designed to work with Sakai Schedule tool. So before adding this tool in any Sakai site, please make sure the site has Sakai Schedule tool installed correctly. Once done by integrating both Sakai Schedule tool and Sakai Breeze tool in a Sakai site, all Meeting event created in Sakai Schedule tool will be automatically added a link to the corresponding Breeze Server, which will be concerned in the next steps.

How to get the source code and build breeze tool

  • Breeze works on Sakai 2.4, it may work on earlier versions but this is at your own risk
  1. Change to your sakai source directory (e.g. /opt/sakai-2.4/)
  2. Run svn co https://source.sakaiproject.org/contrib/caret/breeze/trunk breeze
    • Note: Subversion will create a breeze directory for you, you can use any directory name you like, just change the last word of the svn command
  3. Change to your breeze source directory (e.g. /opt/<sakai-src>/breeze/)
  4. Run maven sakai
    1. If it fails, go and open your build.properties file under $USER_HOME/ directory, check if it includes all the source repository information here:
      maven.repo.remote = http://source.sakaiproject.org/maven/,http://ponder.org.uk/maven,http://www2.caret.cam.ac.uk/maven
      then go back to breeze source directory and run maven sakai again.
    2. If it still fails, check the build log to see if any library file failed to be downloaded. If so, download them from http://www2.caret.cam.ac.uk/maven/ into library repository (by project.properties file you can get the version of libraries needed, usually it should be the latest), which is in $USER_HOME/.maven/repository/ directory.

How to install this application in Sakai

  1. Start tomcat
  2. Login to sakai as an admin user: (e.g. admin, password: admin)
  3. In the workspace panel, click My Workspace
  4. In the left panel, click Sites
  5. In the Sites function pages panel, click New Site
  6. Name the new sites Site Id as breeze or any other words.
  7. Click Save button at bottom to finish its creation.
  8. Click Worksite Setup in the left panel.
  9. Click the newly created site name, click Revise in the Worksite Setup function page panel.
  10. Click Edit Tools in the function panel.
  11. Select Aurai - Sakai Breeze Integration. Sakai Breeze Integration Tool in the list, click Continue button, click Finish button.
  12. Enter the new site by clicking it in the workspace panel.
  13. If Aurai - Sakai Breeze Integration appears in the left panel, congratulations! You've installed breeze tool.

    There could be some configuration problems, just ignore them for now. They will be solved in the next Configuration steps.

Setup Breeze Server before configuring Sakai

  • Make sure your Breeze Server software is updated
  1. Configure breeze server web.xml
    1. Open the file $BreezeFolder\appserv\conf\WEB-INF\web.xml and remove the comments surrounding the HeaderAuthenticationFilter group.
    2. Comment out the <init-param> tag surrounding the /api/ <param-value> within the HeaderAuthenticationFilter group. Then this part should be like this:
  2. Configure custom.ini
    1. Open the file $BreezeFolder\custom.ini and add an entry for the name of the custom header
    2. My-header-name should be protected as much as a password, although it is written as plain text in breeze server.
  3. Restart Breeze server


  • This tool uses full Sakai permissions, without them set correctly, the user will not have
    any options appear when they enter the tool (unless an admin has setup some meetings, in which case they can join them)
  1. Make sure your site maintainer has the following permissions
    • For accessing the options and sceduling events in the tool
      1. conf.sched.admin
      2. site.view
      3. site.upd
    • For creating meetings in Schedule
      1. calendar.delete.own
      2. calendar.new
      3. calendar.read
      4. calendar.revise.own
  • No special permissions are needed to view and join events at this time

How to configure breeze tool

  1. Login to sakai as user: admin, password: admin
  2. Enter the breeze site by clicking it in the workspace panel.
  3. Click Aurai - Sakai Breeze Integration in the left panel.
  4. Click Options in the functional panel.
  5. Fill in the boxes with the following information:
    Breeze User:        user@mycompany.com
    Breeze Server:      http://breeze.mycompany.com/
    Http Header:        My-header-name
    1. user@mcompany.com is a user on the Breeze server.
    2. http://breeze.mycompany.com/ is the Breeze server's URL
    3. My-header-name is the header you set in Pre-works on Breeze Server before configuring Sakai chapter.
  6. Click Update Configurations
  7. If Scheduled Meetings and Expired Meetings bold words appear, congratulations! You have successfully configured it right.

How to use breeze tool

  1. Breeze tool lists all the Scheduled Meetings and Expired Meetings in its page, click the link will lead you in the corresponding breeze meeting without asking for username or password.
  2. For detail, please refer to Users Guide.
  3. For how to use breeze, please refer to http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobatconnectpro/.