
Post 2.4/Pre 2.5 Assignment features

Late in the 2.4 QA cycle, Assignment enhancements for 2.4 were withdrawn due to problems with the Assignment - Gradebook integration. Sakai 2.4 shipped with Assignment functionality unchanged from 2.3. Many enhancements intended for 2.4 were working however, and a tag has been prepared with those features that have been tested and working.

The features included in the tag are:
1) Allow grading for students that have not posted any submissions.
2) Non-electronic submission type.
3) Notifications for new submissions.
4) Upload all.
5) Reordering of assignments (like Resources).

The Assignment tag pre_2-5-0_QA_001 ( can be added to your source (export it into the Assignments folder) and you will have the features listed after a rebuild and redeploy.