Meeting minutes for April 21, 2008
Sakai/OSP 2.4 Status
- SAK-9732 Revise reflections on wizards not working. Solutions: Disallow editing when locked or put up alert. We could make the form hidden, but that may not be a good approach. This would interfere with work flow of creating forms in a matrix then pick and choose forms in a portfolio.
- SAK-13271 Creating new form item when adding evidence in a matrix causes 404. Will be assigned to Brian.
- SAK-13210 Entity too large. John Ellis fixed it.
- SAK-12842 (may be dependent on current helper framework, investigation continues)
- SAK-13337 Will be assigned to Brian.
Sakai/OSP 2.5 Status
- SAK-13114 SAK-12119 continuing problems identifying reproducing on an independent server. Beth asked IU for build scripts
- SAK-13304 Already fixed in IU version. Assigned to Brian.
LOI update on Multiple Evaluators
Screenshot 3A - how are users selected to be evaluators? Current screen is larger with more options. Should list be restricted by role? 3B doesn't allow selection of multiple evaluators. Mail tool does a good job on the screen of handling groups, etc. (Provisional?) On 3B, there is a separate rating scale menu. How does that relate to evalutation form? What options beside pass fail should be available? Answer: should be like Assignments tool, where you can have letters/numbers. rSmart has a facility for taking multiple evaluations and coming up with an average grade.
RINet on Rubric. Assignments often have multiple goals. Rating in cell has at least two, row/column. RINet graduation portfolios have to support student explanation of why goals met by certain assignment.
Hugo: linking with goal management may be a next step in development.
Problem is that GMT is in contrib, but no one is really maintaining it right now. Hugo: develop screen showing GMT integration for future reference. Lynn: many assignments would work well with this, but for supporting "portfolio thinking" and evaluating portfolios, GMT is a little heavy.
Paris Conference
- Lynn will take care of submitting proposals for pre/post conference sessions
- Congrats to Sean Keesler on his new rSmart employment