Requirements from Phx Mtg


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Integration of Goal Management Tool

(Syracuse / rSmart)

OSP-GM-01 - Develop linking ability between a wizard page and goals in the GMT.

  • When a wizard author creates/edits a wizard page, they will have the option to link published goals to the cell from "associated" sites. This will allow goals to be linked to matrix cells and pages of hierarchical and sequential wizards.
  • This will allow evaluations of cells/pages to be accomplished by a blend of Evaluation Forms and goal ratings/comments. Evaluators will be presented with an evaluation interface that combines the goal management ratings helper and the selected evaluation form.

OSP-GM-02 - Auto-populate a wizard page with assignment artifacts (turned in assignments) based on the relationship between the wizard page and goals in GMT, and relationships between the same goals and Assignments in the Assignments tool.

  • When a wizard author creates/edits a wizard page, they will be required to set a "population method" option for that page. Example options for this setting might include:
    • Auto-populate page/cell with work that meets linked goals and allow changes
      • When a user visits a cell configured this way they will see all of the work done that meets any one of the linked goals. They will not be able to delete the items not add more items.
      • New work done that satisfies linked goals will be added to the cells/pages automatically.
    • Auto-populate page/cell with work that meets linked goals and do not allow changes.
      • When a user first visits a page/cell configured this way they will see all of the work done that meets any one of the linked goals. They will be able to add more items and/or delete the items that were automatically added.
      • New work done that satisfies linked goals will be added to the cells/pages automatically.
    • Prompt student to add items to page/cell with work that meets linked goals.
      • When a user visits a page/cell that has been configured this way they are prompted to add new items that have been done in response to activities that are linked to goals linked to this page/cell. User can add check off those items that they would like to be added to the page/cell.
    • Do not auto-populate or prompt user with items.

OSP-GM-03 - Present the student user with a workflow that allows the user to choose which artifacts from OSP-GM-02 should be referenced in a given wizard page.

UI rework/refinement

Responsible: (U Michigan / ASU)
Focus on making the user experience more integrated and cohesive by assessing current user workflows, reducing clicks, potentially reducing tools, increasing UI consistency between tools,and making language consistent.

Key to estimates:

  • small = one day or less
  • medium = one week or less
  • large = more than one week

Type I

Minor UI changes to JSP, JSF, transformation that do not require Java development.


OSP-UI-01 - Displaying description and instructions from xsd in the form when form is being filled out.
Resolve issue of description/instructions for a form not being rendered to a user completing the form.

JIRA Tasks

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lead: rSmart
status: completed


Nov 16 2006: Created
Nov 20 2006: Updated Actor to "resources tool"


The form xsd contains a node locale (<xs:documentation source="ospi.description" />) for instructions associated with an element (a label/input pair) but this is not available to user when form is being filled out. This forces form creators to overload the label with instructions, to the detriment of the form's legibility.


The resources tool


When the tools displays the HTML edit form to fill out a form for each item in the form definition that has an associated description that description should be rendered


Made "ospi.description render as an extended tooltip. Also added processing for new node <xs:documentation source="ospi.inlinedescription" /> that will render as a bit of inline text associated with the element. Since the form render is via a transformation that can be customized, these two choices should be useful and can be changed as needed.


OSP-UI-03 - Resolve issues with forms not rendering properly where fields move off to the right of the screen, especially when there are hierarchical elements of the form.

JIRA Tasks

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completed - issues detailed below addressed in separate JIRA default tickets


Nov 16 2006: Created
Nov 21 2006: Updated description


Failure on validation (ie. forget to fill in a required field) wipes out data.
SAK-6126 (resolve xs:anyURI issue) - maybe make control an "Attachment" like button instead of a link.
Form display (when filling out) difficult to parse - specially with RT and textarea label/input pairs.
Hierarchical relationships are also hard to visually discern and also cause hspace issues.


Forms and Resources tool will continue to be integrated


Users filling out forms.


User fills out form - either from Matrix or from Resource


See associated wire frames


First pass done. Remaining issues:

  1. subform and file element not tied to maxOccurs - can be one or many, not a discrete number
  2. subform fails (error) when it is maxOccurs=1, but not when it is 2 or unbounded
  3. cannot add more subforms on edit
  4. restrictions I do not know about but others do and count upon
  5. need to determine how best to interpret element with enumeration children. Propose:* maxOccurs = 1 & enumeration children < 4: radio button set* maxOccurs = 1 & enumeration children >= 4: select element* maxOccurs = unbounded & enumeration children < 4: checkbox group* maxOccurs = unbounded & enumeration children >= 4: select element + multiple selection


OSP-UI-04 - The resources tool should display the form type in the list view of resources as a new column, or a mouse over, or an icon type. The form type should be recognized by Sakai as a valid file type.

JIRA Tasks

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UM: pending completion of the release of new resources tool functionality
See Resource Design Meeting Minutes for more details
rSmart: completed


Nov 16 2006: Created
Nov 20 2006: Edited


Form type (ie. "Personal Information") needs to be displayed at least in two places: in the Resources list and in the Form title.


Forms and Resources tool will continue to be integrated


The resources tool


From Matrix or Resource, create new form, view same in Resources list context
When the form is diplayed in either the resources list view or the form views it's type should be rendered.


See associated wire frames wf-osp-ui-04.pdf


In list hspace is at a premium; could use a mouse over text for the form type.

Type II

Minor changes in the underlying logic that require Java expertise.


OSP-UI-05 - Select the default location in resources when using the selection helper based on user context and role. For example, when a student selects a file for inclusion in a wizard page, the resources helper would open by default to the user workspace folder. If an instructor is editing a wizard by selecting resources to include as examples on a page, the helper would by default select from the site resources folder.

JIRA Tasks

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lead: IU


Nov 16 2006: Created
Nov 20: modified
Jan 30: Completed


At present when a user adds an item to a wizard page the resource helper opens in de context of the current site.  The user then has to navigate to their own resources to pick the resource they want to add. This is repeated for each time that the helper is opened and requires a lot of clicks. For a user creating a wizard it makes more sence to open the resource helper in the contect of the site that the wizard is in. The FilePicker interface now provides an interface for this in

SAK-7739 - Getting issue details... STATUS

that needs to be invoked from the osp tools.


Forms and Resources tool will continue to be integrated


Users adding forms to a matrix.
Users creating or revising a wizards


  1. If the user is creating or revising the matrix
    • Then: Open the resource helper in the context of the site.
  2. If the user is adding items to the matrix page
    • THen: Open the resource helper in the contect of the user my workspace.


OSP-UI-07 - Define and implement a folder structure for forms like feedback, evaluations, and reflections created as a part of a wizard. These forms should be automatically stored in the author's resources, in a folder patterned like: "portfolio-interaction"/site/wizard name/type where type is either "Reflections", "Evaluations", or "Feedback."

JIRA Tasks

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lead: IU
estimate: medium


Nov 20 2006: Created 
Feb 5 2007: Completed


Define and implement a folder structure for forms like feedback, evaluations, and reflections created as a part of a wizard. These forms should be automatically stored in the author's resources, in a folder patterned like: "portfolio-interaction"/// where type is either "Reflections", "Evaluations", or "Feedback." This is a means of improving the storing of Feedback, Evaluation and Review forms (fer-forms) in the resources area of the user My Workspace in such a way that the root area of the resources does not get cluttered with forms. The forms are saved in a patterned folder structure and are named by use case OSP-UI-09


The page that the form is added to belongs to a published matrix.


Users that have 'use' permission on the wizard (students)
Users that have 'review' permission on the wizard (reviewers)
Users that have 'evaluate' permission on the wizard


  1. User navigates to the wizard Page
  2. User enters the form editor by clicking on:
    1. 'Complete reflection', or
    2. 'Add Feedback', or
    3. 'Add Evaluation'
  3. User enters data into the form
  4. User clicks on 'Add' button
  5. System stores the form
    1. System determines the folder to store the form
    2. System creates the folder
    3. System determines the name of the form
    4. System checks is there is a file in the folder by that name                                                            
        i.      If Yes: a number is appended or increased and step 5d is repeated
    5. System stores the form in the folder
  6. Users is returned to the existing workflow


#5b: if the folder exists no operation is performed


1. We need feedback on what the best option is for the folder structure adnd form name.
2. For functional scalability the eid of the student could be appended to the student name to distinguish between students with same first and lastname in wizards that host large numbers of students.


OSP-UI-08 - Add a property to a form in the form tool to specify that this form is a 'hidden' form. 'Hidden' forms show up in wizards but not in resources tool.

JIRA Tasks

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lead: rSmart


Nov 20 2006: Created


Add a property to a form in the form tool to specify that this form is a 'hidden' form. 'Hidden' forms show up in wizards but not in resources tool.




Form creators
Resources tool


  • When creating a form through the sakai.forms tool there should be a checkbox in the add/revise forms page that reads "make this form hidden"
  • A hidden form may be added to the matrix as one the 4 form types (item/custom, feedback, review, reflection)
  • A hidden form cannot be created through the resources tool "add" function when specifing "form"


OSP-UI-09 - Define and implement an auto-naming scheme that simplifies the creation and storage of forms that have been completed by the end user, including reflections, evaluations, and feedback forms from wizards.

JIRA Tasks

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lead: IU
estimate: tbd


Nov 20 2006: Created
Feb 5 2007: Completed


Define and implement an auto-naming scheme that simplifies the creation and storage of forms that have been
completed by the end user as part of their work in a matrix page. The simplification is acomplished by removing
the need for the end user enter a file name for saving the form to.
This includes three types of forms:

  1. Pre-defined forms in 'Items' area ('custom' form)
  2. Reflection and Feedback forms
  3. Evaluation forms
    Examples of names:
    Presentation Skills-One (start level presenting) - Feedback (matrix sample)
    Presentation Skills-One (start level presenting) - Review (matrix sample)
    Discussion Skills - Feedback (sequential wizard sample)


These assumtions apply to the resources tool:
- A folder in resources may contain multiple items with the same name
- Items are ordered by date and time (although only date is shown)
This naming scheme makes sense when OSP-UI-07 adds enough structure to the folders that the forms are saved to.


Wizard Tool


  1. A portfolio user ends the workflow of adding a reflection,evaluation, feedback, or custom type form to a wizard by clicking on the add button.
  2. The wizard tool determines in what folder to store the form (see OSP-UI-07)
  3. The wizard tool determines the name of the form via the following auto naming scheme:
    1. File name for feedback forms: "[Wizard-Page] - Feedback "
    2. File name for reflection forms: "[Wizard-Page] - Reflection "
    3. File name for review forms:     "[Wizard-Page] - Review "
    4. File name for custom forms:    "[Wizard-Page] - form type "
       Naming scheme for Wizard Page:
  4. If this is a Matrix wizard
    1. Then: '[rowName]-[columnName] ([Page Name])'
  5. For hierarchical and sequential Matrix
    1. '[Page Name]' |


Row and Column names and Wizard Page Names may be very long, how should we deal with that? Suggestion: take a number of characters
from the beginning followed by  a number of characters from the end


OSP-UI-10 - Make the ability to preview portfolios more intuitive. For example, clicking "finish" to complete a portfolio and then having to click on the portfolio name is not a user-friendly way to preview a portfolio.

JIRA Tasks

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estimate: medium


Nov 20 2006: Created


Make the ability to preview portfolios more intuitive.  To preview a portfolio now,  the user needs to click "finish" to complete
the workflow and then click on the portfolio name. This is a way to preview a portfolio, but it is not very user friendly.

Suggested approach:
Add a button to the "Create Portfolio" workflow that is named "Preview".
When this button is clicked a new window opens that displays the presentation.
This preview display does not render a form for comments but does show a text like "Comments and a comment form will
be rendered here"


OSP-UI-11 - Matrix cells form/feedback relationship needs to be expressly stated

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UM High Priority
estimate: large


Nov 20 2006: Created


Presently feedback is global when added to a matrix cell. Feedback should be either global or related to a particular form entry. So:
Form entry 1
     Feedback for this form entry
Form entry 2
     Feedback for this form entry

 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
General feedback 1
General feedback 2

Type III

Changes in underlying logic with framework implications or a need for the interaction of multiple tools.


OSP-UI-13 - form entry form optimisation: Change the UI for completing a form so that the "resources" parts are more clear. Move the "title" and "description" to the top and change "title" to "save as". Remove the "access", "copyright", "meta-data", and "groups". Configure Sakai properties as the means for determining whether or not to include these fields. The default should be to hide the properties. If they are shown, they should appear below the rest of the form.

JIRA Tasks

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a. dependent on Resources tool rework, See Resource Design Meeting Minutes for more details
b. metadata needs review
c. dependent on form display rework
lead: UM


Nov 20 2006: Created
Nov 27 2006: added jira reference


See osp-form-flowv2.pdf for some possible designs for this workflow.
Change the UI for completing a form so that the "resources" parts are more clear. Move the "title" and "description" to the top and change "title" to "save as". Remove the "access", "copyright", "meta-data", and "groups". Configure Sakai properties as the means for determining whether or not to include these fields. The default should be to hide the properties. If they are shown, they should appear below the rest of the form.
This includes SAK-6141
Moving the "title" and "description" items to the top of the page enabled these to be rendered in the same place all the time. Changing "title" to "save as" complies with standards used in operating systems such as Windows and quickly enables the user to understand what they are naming.

As the forms tool is going to be removed from resources tool an be implemented as a resource type the following aspects of these types could be made configurable:

  • Whether or not the "Access" option menu should be enabled for this type
  • Whether of not the "Copyright" options should be enabled for this type
  • Whether or not the "Meta-data" options should be enabled for this type
  • Whether or not the "Groups" options should be enables for this type


thanks to SAK-7030 - Getting issue details... STATUS the forms are independent from the Resources tool UI. Most of the issues detailed here are moot. Some that are not: use of metadata in forms - needed? if so which metadata items are pertinent? see above Description

Type IV

Existing bugs and tasks already in Jira.


OSP-UI-19 - Resolve/merge the following Jira's: SAK-6947(guest comment) , SAK-5852 (forms reset)

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lead: UM/rSmart
SAK-5852 pending integration of new forms helper
SAK-6947 completed


see JIRA for details

Documentation & Sample data structures

(Need leader / IU / VTech / UVA / Syracuse)
Documentation should include a map and description of how all the tools work together, simple 'start here' cookbook type docs, documentation on how to construct the various data structures such as forms, portfolio templates, etc.

User Documentation

Authoring Documentation

Library of Sample structures

Improve authoring flexibility


(rSmart / Syracuse)

Forward compatibility

No changes that require difficult migration. The project team is making a commitment to building all migration scripts for a seamless upgrade from 2.2.x.

"Builders" for the hard to create xsd, xsl, css, xhtml files.

(IU / U Michigan / ASU)

Create "Builders" for the hard to create xsd, xsl, css, xhtml files. In the short term, tools that enable faculty to build their own forms and their own custom presentations are also needed to reduce the bottleneck around programming staff.