Now is really easy to create your own test. It taks only 10 minutes !!
You just follow this instructions:
Checkout Parent Pom
svn co mytests --depth=files --force
Now change to the new directory and create your test with maven archetype.
Note: First edit pom.xml and remove all modules section.
Create Test
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeArtifactId=test-archetype
You can choose any groupId or artifactId but we recommend not change groupId.
This generation includes new artifact in a general modules section, you have to move modules section into default profile.
Now compile your new test.
Compile Test
mvn clean install
FInally you need to change the value of test-artifactId property to the new created. This avoid the inclusion of -Dtest-artifactId=xxx on each maven command.
Now you are ready to edit and customize your new test.
Edit Test
mvn test -Pjmeter,edit -Dtest-file=test.jmx
This is the very simplified test generated, and you could run it.
Run Test
mvn test -Pjmeter,run