Grade Import

We were wary of trying to figure out how to import grades from a spreadsheet in the initial specification. But in the Baltimore SEPP Conference, there seemed to be a lot of interest in the feature.

Josh: "The reason I think we should discuss reprioritizing this feature is that it gets us off the hook for all of the fancy grading schemes that we won't be able to support for the next couple of releases."

Ben: "... there certainly was a strong request for Grade Import from our audience at the gradebook presentation. I'm still concerned about how validation happens on upload (can people add new columns and rows?) Can anyone there write up their assumptions on how upload would work?"

Oliver: "Yes, the grade import should be considered, given the feedback. I don't remember whom I talked to about this in Baltimore, but I think that for now this would be an either or choice one makes in the gradebook set up. If you choose to import, this means you manage the write data in your spreadsheet."

Ray: We have to figure out rules for uniquely identifying students (and dealing with students in the imported data who aren't enrolled) and for uniquely identifying assignments (and dealing with previously unseen assignments).

Some ideas from the 7/28 meeting:

  • Only lead instructor could do it This avoids a lot contntious permissions issues and se tioning probles.
  • Setup GB in Sakai You can't add or remove students or assignmnets via the uploaded spread sheet.