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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0

Sakai 3 ePortfolio (UM)

Multiple Evaluator Workflow

  1. Matrix cells (and other completed artifacts) must allow evaluation by multiple users
  2. Matrix cells (and other structures) must allow multiple types of evaluation (different forms specific to roles or users)
  3. Users must be able to request feedback or evaluation on arbitrary completed components to site members or anyone
  4. Guiding users (instructor/evaluator) must able to lock and "hand off" components to users who will take further action before returning an item to a student. (Per-item workflow phases). Beth: What is a "component" in osp terminology (form, cell, matrix, ...)? Can you be more specific on types of further action?


  1. Users granted the ability must be able to edit instructions inside a Form or for a Cell without the full "Manage Matrices" permissions. Beth: are there any other new permissions besides "allow-edit-instructions" that is being requested? Are you perhaps asking to allow reviewers and/or evaluator roles be allowed to update instructions?


  1. Artifacts linked or submitted through a portion (cell) of the portfolio must be available to the users that may view that portion (cell); also written up as "Embedded images in resources not passing through security advisor" in

Filtered Views

  1. Users must be able to filter a view to only those items that they may interact with
    1. Students must be able to filter to just those cells that are available
    2. Instructors must be able to filter to just completed cells that are pending evaluation
  2. Users must be able to filter or sort by recency of request or status change on a list of items Beth: What is an" item"?
  3. Users must be able to filter a view to those items where another user has requested interaction (feedback/evaluation)

Email Notification

  1. Users must have the ability to opt into email notification for certain events (cells becoming available, being submitted, etc.)
  2. Notification opt-in must provide useful batch operations such as enabling notification for all Matrices, Matrices within a specific site, a group of cells, new requests for feedback, all new pending evaluations, etc. Beth: Is this another way of saying you'd like to limit the scope of notifications?

Batch Operation

  1. Batch operations must be better supported (e.g. changing a group of cells to available)


High Level Portfolio Requirements

Feature reviews

Digication (

  • workflows
  • portfolio presentations (user banner, select templates, page widgets/modules,

NYU Memory Palace


Evernote (


Angel Learning (

  • Student Tools
    • Multiple File Types (documents, spreadsheets, sound recordings, photos, video clips)
    • Blogging capabilities (for self-evaluation or reflection)
    • RSS feeds - stream blogs that instructors and others can subscribe to
    • Rubrics - present visual representations of progress towards individual goals
    • Document Sharing - publicly or password-protected sharing of eportfolio
    • Publish ePortfolios using templates (e.g. blog, resume, assessment, general purpose)
    • Sharing  (this sounds weak: "private" setting means the URL is not published, but not protected either)
    • Find by Course, Name, or "Shared with me"
  • Instructor & Assessment Tools
    • Optionally require specified template, complete a separately created 'achievement exercise)
    • Set Achievement exercise due dates
    • Provide (unstructured) feedback 
    • Create custom rubrics and allow students to associate artifacts with objectives
    • Reporting showing learner progress (e.g. number of artifacts, rubric ratings), track activity (logins, publicationviews, postings, modifications, artifacts uploaded/associated, blog postings), aggregation (by course, school, dept, entire campus)
    • Export Reporting results to PDF or CSV

PebblePad (

  • Create, edit, review digital "assets"
  • Tools for creating WebCV, Weblog, Webfolio
  • Share, publish (to a gateway), export, print eportfolios
  • View, comment, copy, collaborate

Digo (

  • Highlight & add 'sticky notes' to pages
  • Archive to PDF format
  • Tag and search
  • create interactive slideshow
  • Search titles, tags, annotations, full text
  • Share & Collaborate: Threaded discussions

EtherPad (

  • Real-time collaborative editing
  • Versioning and 'undo' functionality
  • Edits highlighted in author's colors

Content Management System (e.g. Drupal/Joomla/Plone)

  • Create any number of page
  • Link Pages
  • Style pages with pre-defined 'themes' 
  • Authorization management