- Mathieu Plourde
- Nicola Monat-Jacobs
- Kim Eke
- Lance Speelmon
- Michelle Ziegmann
1. Review of the current state of our web presence
- Have the gateway be the social aggregator
- Google Maps: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=212279888997227930857.00049d25a6ac10c4d237c&ll=34.052561,-118.256014&spn=0,0&source=embed
- (417) Twitter: http://twitter.com/sakaiproject
- Advance notice, FYI, we'll spam
- create a Sakai11 account, sakaicon
- Mathieu to monitor tweets during event, backup needed when presenting
- Mathieu to send tweets from the sakaiproject account
- http://twapperkeeper.com/hashtag/sakai11
- Seth's stats tool. (Nicola will get the URL)
- (10) Facebook Event: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=103361446412433
- (19) LinkedIn Event: http://events.linkedin.com/2011-Sakai-Conference/pub/593690
- (5) LanYrd.com: http://lanyrd.com/2011/sakai11/
- Check if it's mobile friendly
- (2) Convore: https://convore.com/sakai-conference-2011/
- (3) Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/event/2011-sakai-conference
- Reminders, other option is to attach slides to Confluence space
- Yahoo Pipes
2. Things to prepare before the conference
Confluence spaces for each sessions
- Make sure the parent page is easy for newbies
Organizing the Citizen Journalism effort:
- Text
- Blog recap for each day, have guest posts?
- Queue up the posts in advance, adjust
- Video
- Create bumpers
- Audio loops (can reuse these http://www.unc.edu/~keke/sakai09/ )
- Pics
- Flickr tag
- Create challenges with badges (collaboration close-up)
- http://www.eye.fi/
- Have the live photostream run in between session
- Have a headquater:
- Quiet space
- Working space
Sessions to record and/or stream --> Promote in advance
- Ustream
- Keynote session
- One room
Advertizing the social presence
- Handout in conference packet
- Daily updates/leaderboard/metrics
- Contest, treasure hunt, prizes?
- Disclaimer about the use of recording technology (everything at the conference is fair-play), encourage CC-BY licensing
Enter the schedule in SocialOomph
Social media boot camp, options:
- Ustream session
- Jing short clips
- Youtube videos
- Pre-conference workshop, call for volunteers
- Create a Sakai advertisement?
Hardware, software and logistic needs?
3. During the Conference
- Foursquare to check-in to every room
- QR codes with target page
- Confluence conference gateway
- Each room's schedule
Use of Opencast agents (5X)
Identifying ourselves as SMVTFs (so people can ask us stuff)?
Hardware, software and logistic needs?