Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Step ID


Expected Result


Under Portfolio Tools, select the Glossary link

User directed to the Glossary page


Select the Add link

User directed to the Add Glossary Term page


Enter the following information:

  • Term: Test
  • Short Description: Fun
  • Long Description: Quality Assurance
  • Select the Add Term button

User directed to the Glossary page where the recently added Test glossary object should be visible in a row


Select the Test link

Popup window should appear listing the glossary term and the long description


In the popup window, select the Close button

Popup closes and user should still be at the Glossary page


In the Test row, select the Edit link

User directed to the Edit Glossary Term page


Modify the following:

  • Term: Test Rev
  • Short Description: Fun rev
  • Long Description: Quality Assurance rev
  • Select the Save Changes button

User directed to the Manage Glossary page where the old Test term should now be named Test Rev


Select the Test Rev link

Popup window should appear with the new title Test Rev and new long description Quality Assurance rev


In the popup window, select the Close button

Popup window closes and the user should still be at the Manage Glossary page


Select the Add link

User directed to the Add Glossary Term page


Enter the following:

  • Term: Test 2
  • Short Description: sd
  • Long Description: ld
  • Select the Add Term button

User directed to the Manage Glossary page where the recently created term should be visible in the table


Select the Export link

Popup window prompts user to select location to download .zip file to


Select the OK button in the popup window

.zip file downloads to user's desktop. Popup window closes


In the Manage Glossary page, select the Delete link for the Test 2 object

Page refreshes with the deleted term no longer visible


In the Manage Glossary page, select the Delete link for the Test Rev object

Page refreshes with the deleted term no longer visible


Select the Import link

User directed to the Import Glossary Terms page


Next to the Select Item text field, select the Select file... link

User directed to the Add Attachment page


Next to the portfolio's resource folder, select the Add link under the Actions column

Menu appears


Select the Upload Files link from the menu

User directed to the Upload Files page


Next to the File to Upload text field, select the Browse... button

Popup File Upload window appears


Select the recently created .zip file (CHEM1 1 from the export earlier in this procedure. Select the Open button

Popup window closes. Path with filename now occupies the File to Upload field


Select the Upload Files Now button

User directed to the Add Attachment page where the .zip file can now be seen under the Items to attach section


Select the Continue button

User directed to the Import Glossary Terms page where the recently selected .zip file now populates the Selected Item field


Leave the radio buttons as default. Select the Import button

User directed to the Manage Glossary page where the imported terms are now available in the table. There's also a message that states: The import of the terms was successful


Select the Add link and add 10 terms by entering the following:

  • Terms: Test3,Test4,Test5,Test6,Test7,Test8,Test9,Test10,Test11,Test12,Test13
  • Short Description: Enter sd for all terms
  • Long Description: Enter ld for all terms
  • Select the add button to add each of the terms

User directed to the Manage Glossary page where recently created terms should be visible


Select the Next icon on the manage glossary page

User directed to the next page


Select the First icon on the manage glossary page

User directed to the first page


Select the Last icon on the manage glossary page

User directed to the last page


Select the Previous icon on the manage glossary page

User directed to the previous page

finish at: Manage Glossary page