Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

draft in progress

We are becoming more aware of differences between URL based version of tests that can be accessed independently and the framed versions that appear when you click them from the assessment list. This is because lesson builder and the schedule integration both feature the URL versions of these tests. In general, we are trying to make the URL based version of the test to more closely resemble the framed version.

Current refers to

The following is a proposal


Button differences between Framed and Non-Framed




Assessment submission warning


buttons currently on nightly

first question: Previous | Next | Save | Exit

last question: Previous | Next | Save | Exit | Submit for Grading

first question: Previous | Next | Save | Submit 

last question: Previous | Next | Save | Submit for Grading

Submit for grading | Previous




first question: Previous Next Save Exit

last question: Previous Next Save Exit Submit for Grading
(remove Submit: SAM-1544)
(add exit: SAM-1529

SAM-1068 removes "Continue" and specify where Continue goes?

or have a "Close button"



"Submit for Grading" should be on the last question only. We are guessing Submit was added to every question of the URL-based test because of anonymous surveys--participants should have option to submit what they have answered so far if they decide they do not want to finish, but we really don't think the submit button is necessary on every question for non-anonymous survey (although SAK-2707 wants to remove it from anonymous too)

Also, the student should be able to exit without recording answers in both versions of the test. However, SAM-1068 removed all buttons that simply took you back to the list of assessments because that didn't make sense, so where would exit take you? Perhaps it should close the tab, or add a button called "Close" instead of "Exit." 






Assessment submission warning


buttons currently on nightly

Anonymous tests do not appear in list of Assessments for students to take, this appears as Preview,
first question: Previous | Next | Save | Exit  
last question: Previous | Next | Save | Exit | Submit for Grading 

first question: Previous | Next | Save | Exit | Submit
last question: Previous | Next | Save | Exit | Submit for Grading 

Submit for grading | Previous

Review results


strictly speaking, we might want to add Submit to first question to make it look like the URL based test/survey

SAK-1670 indicates that people didn't want to call last button "Submit for Grading" since it would be used for anonymous surveys and this would give the impression it wasn't anonymous. It was marked as fixed, but was this reversed by SAK-15783?

Also, is Save relevant if you can't come back to assessment?



Assessment becomes unavailable while student takes it






current: retract for edit

(I cannot get this to appear, neither by removing a published assignment or clicking edit--I have logged this as bug SAM-1575)

n/a see left

current: no longer available (retract date past)

Pass retract date: Submitting this assessment is no longer allowed.  Please contact your instructor if you have any questions. Click "Return" to return to the Assessments page.

If test is set with retract date and Automatic submission is selected, then a student who has saved a test but not submitted it start the test a second time by going to the URL before retract date but doesn't complete before that date will see this when they click a button after date passes
Assessment is no longer available
Submitting this assessment is no longer allowed. Please contact your instructor if you have any questions.
Retract Date:Feb 3, 2012

current: not available yet



current: removed


student currently appears to have submitted if instructor happens to remove in the middle of a student taking a test. however instructor obviously will have no record. This is an extreme case not likely to occur.

current: after due date

No late submission: The due date for this assessment has passed and late submissions are not allowed. Please contact your instructor if you have any questions. Click "Return" to return to the Assessments page.

To replicate, add due date and make sure late submissions are not accepted. Start test as student but don't submit until after due date
Late Submission not allowed
The due date for this assessment has passed and late submissions are not allowed. Please contact your instructor if you have any questions.
Due Date:Feb 3, 2012

current: max # of submissions exceeded

(don't think this is applicable anymore because users would get a data discrepancy error if they attempt to take this in a second browser)
No submission left: This assessment has already submitted and additional submissions are not allowed. Please contact your instructor if you have any questions. Click "Return" to return to the Assessments page.

see left

current: assessment autosubmitted?

(do not know what set of circumstances causes this error to appear--if a user has a saved test and begins a second attempt before retract date, but submits it after retract date, they get Assessment no longer available message above)
Assessment has been submitted: This assessment has already submitted and no further amendments are allowed. Please contact your instructor if you have any questions. Click "Return" to return to the Assessments page.

N/A see left

current: timed expire

(don't think this can happen anymore--submission will be forced when time is up, so user can't submit after time is up)
Timed expired: The time allowed for this assessment has expired. The system has already submitted your assessment for grade.

N/A see left

Data Discrepancy


To replicate, user starts test in two browsers. Clicks submit for grading after the last question in the first browser to go to AssessmentSubmission Warning, then clicks next in the first
(Time expired)
Data Discrepancy
You are seeing this page because there might be a discrepancy between which of your answers actually got saved versus what you believe got saved. Two common causes of this discrepancy are:

  • When the same assessment is taken in multiple windows
  • When a user did not save his answers before a timed assessment expired
    In both cases, which answers actually got saved depended on when a user last clicked Next *or *Exit 
    If you are taking the assessment in multiple browser windows, close all windows except one


Assessment not available before student attempts



In the case of the framed situation, if student clicks the Assessment from the list before it becomes unavailable but clicks Begin Assessment after it becomes unavailable, they see the messages in Framed column




retract for edit

Retracted for Edit: You cannot take this assessment since it has been retracted by the instructor. Click "Return" to return to the Assessments page.

Assessment Not Available: The assessment you have requested is currently not available. Please contact your instructor if you have any questions. Click "Continue" to go to the system login page.

no longer available (retract date past)

Assessment has been submitted
This assessment has already submitted and no further amendments are allowed. Please contact your instructor if you have any questions. Click "Return" to return to the Assessments page. 

Pass retract date: Submitting this assessment is no longer allowed.  Please contact your instructor if you have any questions. Click "Return" to return to the Assessments page. 

Assessment Not Available: The assessment you have requested is currently not available. Please contact your instructor if you have any questions. Click "Continue" to go to the system login page.

current: not available yet

(I cannot get this to appear need help)

Assessment Not Available: The assessment you have requested is currently not available. Please contact your instructor if you have any questions. Click "Continue" to go to the system login page.

current: removed

Assessment Not Available
The assessment you have requested is no longer available. Please contact your instructor if you have any questions. Click "Continue" to go to the system login page.

Assessment Not Available
The assessment you have requested is no longer available. Please contact your instructor if you have any questions. Click "Continue" to go to the system login page.

current: after due date

(I cannot get this to appear need help)
No late submission: The due date for this assessment has passed and late submissions are not allowed. Please contact your instructor if you have any questions. Click "Return" to return to the Assessments page. 

Assessment Not Available: The assessment you have requested is currently not available. Please contact your instructor if you have any questions. Click "Continue" to go to the system login page.

current: max # of submissions exceeded

No submission left: This assessment has already submitted and additional submissions are not allowed. Please contact your instructor if you have any questions. Click "Return" to return to the Assessments page. 

Assessment Not Available: The assessment you have requested is currently not available. Please contact your instructor if you have any questions. Click "Continue" to go to the system login page.


Timed expired: The time allowed for this assessment has expired. The system has already submitted your assessment for grade. 


current: user not in class


Access Denied: The assessment you requested is currently not available. Please contact your instructor if you have any questions. Click "Continue" to go to the system login page.





current: retract for edit



current: no longer available



current: not available yet



current: after due date



current: max # of submissions exceeded



current: user not in class

