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Title in left menu: Available Settings
Page heading: Assessment settings



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Assessment settings


To reach the Settings page for an assessment, from the menubar of the appropriate site, click Tests & Quizzes. On the Assessments page, click Settings beneath the title of the assessment. Click the black arrow for a type of setting to see the options.


  • Assessment Released To: Choose to release the assessment to anonymous users, restrict its availability to only site members, or restrict its availability to only selected groups.

    Note: If you release an assessment to anonymous users, you must distribute its URL to participants; it will not be accessible from within your site's Tests & Quizzes tool. After publishing the assessment, go to the settings page of the version located under "Published Assessments" (not the copy under "Pending Assessments"), click to expand the Assessment Released To section, and copy the URL shown there.


  • Assessment Organization: Govern the appearance and behavior of your assessment. The following options are available:
    • Navigation: Choose from the following:
      • Linear access: Limits users to progressing forward through an assessment without access to the table of contents.
      • Random access: Allows users to move from question to question throughout the assessment using either the Previous and Next buttons, or the table of contents.
    • Question Layout: Choose to display each question on a separate web page, each part on a separate web page, or the complete assessment on one web page.
    • Numbering: Choose continuous numbering throughout all parts of the assessment, or choose to restart numbering with each part.
  • Mark for Review: Enabling the Mark for Review option adds a checkbox labeled Mark for Review under every question in an assessment. Students can check the boxes to mark questions they would like to return to before submitting the assessment. This feature is not available when the assessment is configured for linear access. In the settings for your Assessment Type, use the first checkbox to determine whether or not you can change this setting; use the second checkbox to select the default value for this setting.


  • Submission Message: Type a message or specify a URL to be delivered to the user upon submission.
  • Feedback:
    • Feedback Authoring: Choose from the following:
      • Question-Level Feedback: Allows feedback based on question regardless of the answer
      • Selection-Level Feedback: Allows feedback based on the answer given (i.e., different answers depending on which selection the student chose)
      • Both: This allows you to use both types of feedback.
    • Feedback Delivery: Choose from the following:
      • Immediate Feedback (i.e., while taking the assessment)
      • Feedback on submission (Best used with the "Record the last score" grading option)
      • No Feedback will be displayed to the student
      • Feedback will be displayed to the student at a specific date (Click the calendar icon to specify the date)


  • Graphics: Change the appearance of your assessment:
    • Click the palette icon next to the "Background Color" field to open the color picker. From the drop-down list, select the palette you'd like to use (Web Safe Palette, Windows System Palette, or Grey Scale Palette), and then click the color you want to use for your assessment's background color. The hexadecimal value representing your color will automatically populate the "Background Color" field.
    • In the "Background Image" field, you can type the URL of an image file to be used as the background image.
  • Metadata: Specify keywords, objectives, and rubrics to facilitate searches for and categorization of your assessment. Additionally, you have the option to collect metadata for questions.

To save the settings for an assessment, click Save Settings at the bottom of the page. Click Cancel to cancel any unsaved changes.


Note: After you've published an assessment, if you modify its "Pending Assessments" copy, you'll have to alter the assessment's name before publishing it. When you publish it, you'll be creating another copy under "Published Assessments", not replacing the existing published copy.


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