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Additional Comments:
The Sakai Search Tool tool, is a powerful tool that allows a Google-like search of all content in a Sakai instance. Anything that is a Sakai entity can be indexed and searched. This includes all Content placed in ContentHostingService which includes content in Resources, Attachments, Portfolio tools, rWiki, and all messages in Chat, Email, Announcements, and Messages. The search tool reads all MS Office type documents, PDF's, and extracts the first 2M of text from types that appear to be text based.
*The rWiki Wiki tool allows search across Wiki pages
* JForum Discussion & Private Messages includes search capability of topics and messages.
* The Help Tool includes search functionality of Help documentation included with the application.


Some off-line functionality is provided in the Lessons, Assignments, Gradebook and Wiki tools.
* Instructors can download the content of lessons (Melete Lesson Builder) into a format that can be printed, stored, or edited locally using a web publishing tool.
* Instructors can download assignments with attachments in one simple click for off-line grading. A folder is created on the instructor's desktop with sub-folders for each student and their attachment submissions.


There are a variety of ways of structuring group activities in the Sakai CLE. Through use of group providers, instructors can have students automatically assigned to sections.
Alternatively, instructors or teaching assistants may create groups manually and give students the ability to sign up for groups or change groups to which they have been assigned. Group functionality includes the following:
* Groups can be facilitated by a designated individual in an instructor or TA role.
* Instructors can selectively release course content or activities to a group.
* Access to assignments can be group specific.
* Access to resources can be group specific
* Access to Discussion Forums can be to group specific. In discussion forums groups may be private or instructors can monitor groups.
* Access to Calendar items can be group specific
* Groups can be auto-provisioned or manually created
* Students can sign up for and change groups, if given appropriate permissions

Sakai also supports the ability to allow students and instructors to create project sites, enabling users to have a private site with a full set of site tools (email archive, forums, chat, resources, etc.) for group work and collaboration.


Sakai supports the ability to allow students, instructors, researchers, administrators, etc to create project sites for networking and collaboration.  Project sites can be limited in membership or can be made publicly joinable. Collaboration Sites: Course and project sites can be "joinable," allowing users to join interest groups and projects without the permission of a lead facilitator. Any user in the system with the right role (as chosen by the site owner) may become a member of a "joinable" site. Project sites provide a space for users to engage in various types of collaboration with a full set of tools (provide a space for users to engage in various types of collaboration with a full set of tools (calendar, announcements, resources, discussion, email archive, group wiki pages, blogger, forums, chat, etc.) at their disposal for group work.  


Additionally, course and project sites can be made "joinable," allowing anyone with a userid in the system to become a member and connect with interest groups, peers or project collaborators.


Student Portfolios

Product has this feature?

Select all that apply from the following options:


Students can create a personal home page in each course.


Students can use their personal home page to selectively display their course work.


Students can export their personal home page.


The Sakai CLE includes the full set of Open Source Portfolio (OSP) tools. The Sakai portfolio tools enable creation of personal portfolios for self assessment, teacher assessment, institutional accreditation, etc. A rich set of data artifacts or templates for collecting student artifacts and facilitating reflection upon them is included. Also included is integration of portfolio goal management and data points tools with CMS functionality, most notably, the Sakai assignments tool. Goal management allows Portfolio tools allow students to create rich, multi-media presentations of their work to designated audiences within and outside the system. Other tools allow faculty to build educational scaffolds to assist students in reflecting upon and presenting evidence of learning in relation to course, department, extracurricular or institutional objectives, criteria or goals. A rich set of data artifacts and templates for collecting student artifacts and facilitating reflection upon them is included. Relatively new Goal Management and Reporting tools rounds out the arsenal allowing anyone at an institution to define a set of goals, map goals to established criteria or ratings and track student performance based on submission of assignments or other data artifacts associated with these goals. Reporting capability allows institutions to analyze progress and align pedagogical practices with organizational mission.




Product has this feature?

Select all that apply from the following options:


Administrators can allow guest access to all courses.


The system can authenticate against an external LDAP server.


The system can authenticate using the Kerberos protocol.


The system supports Shibboleth.


The system supports the Central Authentication Service (CAS).


The system can authenticate against IMAP, POP3 or secure NNTP.


Administrators can set up fail-through authentication against a secondary source (e.g. the system's own database) in the event that the primary source (e.g. LDAP server ) fails.


The system can support multiple organizational units and virtual hosts within a server configuration.

Additional Comments:

*Administrators can protect access to individual courses with a username and password.
*The system can authenticate against an external LDAP server




or using the Kerberos protocol.




The system supports Shibboleth.




The system supports the Central Authentication Service (CAS).




The system can authenticate against IMAP, POP3 or secure NNTP.



*Administrators can set up fail-through authentication against a secondary source (e.g. the system's own database) in the event that the primary source (e.g. LDAP server) fails.




The system can support multiple organizational units and virtual hosts within a server configuration.

Additional Comments: *Single Sign On option is supported.
*User logins can be encrypted with the Secure Sockets Layer protocol.


Course Authorization

Product has this feature?
Yes (tick)

Select all that apply from the following options:


The system supports restricting access based on roles and roles can also be customized by the service provider.


Administrators can create an unlimited number of custom organizational units and roles with specific access privileges to course content and tools.


Administrators can distribute the permissions and roles across multiple institutions or departments hosted in the server environment.


Instructors or students may be assigned different roles in different courses.
