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The Sakai CLE includes the full set of Open Source Portfolio (OSP) tools. Portfolio tools allow students to create rich, multi-media presentations of their work to and share these with designated audiences within inside and outside the system. Other tools allow faculty to build educational scaffolds to assist students in reflecting upon and presenting evidence of learning in relation to course, department, extracurricular or institutional objectivesstandards, criteria or goals. A rich set of data artifacts and templates for collecting student artifacts and facilitating reflection upon them is included. Relatively new Goal Management and Reporting tools rounds out the arsenal, allowing anyone at an institution to define a set of goals, map goals to established criteria or ratings , and track student performance based on submission of assignments or other data artifacts associated with these goals. Reporting capability allows institutions to analyze progress and align pedagogical practices with organizational mission.


Course Authorization

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The system supports restricting access based on roles and roles can also be customized by the service provider.


Administrators can create an unlimited number of custom organizational units and roles with specific access privileges to course content and tools.


Administrators can distribute the permissions and roles across multiple institutions or departments hosted in the server environment.


Instructors or students may be assigned different roles in different courses.

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A rich authorization schema provides for unparelled levels of flexibility surrounding course authorization. The system can be configured to fully open sites or to limit site access based upon institutionally defined roles and configuration parameters.  Each institution may define a unique set of roles and permission structures that support the necessary configuration of that institution.Sakai is unique in its blending of public and private access to content in the system. Visitors to a Sakai instance may use Search capability on the Gateway site to search for course or project sites in the system. Site owners may choose to make a variety of different content on their site visible from this Gateway search, allowing them to give partial access to items such as announcements, resources, syllabus entries, etc. especially useful in the case of waitlisted students, students searching for information on a course, or collaborators who wish to share research results publicly without adding outsiders to their site.  Sites may also be made publicly joinable at the discretion of their owners. Joinable sites may be joined by anyone with a userid in the system. A rich authorization schema provides for unparelled levels of flexibility surrounding authorization to the course environment. The system can be configured to fully open sites or to limit site access based upon institutionally defined roles and configuration parameters as well as secondary authorization schemas.  Each institution may define a unique set of roles and permission structures that support the necessary configuration of that institution.


Registration Integration

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Yes (tick)

Select all that apply from the following options:


Instructors can add students to their courses manually or allow students to self-register.


Administrators can batch add students to the system using a delimited text file.


Administrators can transfer student information bidirectionally between the system and an SIS using delimited text files.


Administrators can transfer student information bidirectionally between the system and an SIS using IMS Enterprise Specification v1.1 XML files via web services.


The software supports data interchange with student information systems through an event-driven API.


The software supports integration with SCT Banner, SCT Luminis, Datatel, PeopleSoft 8 or customized integration with other SIS or portal systems.


The software is compliant with the IMS Enterprise Specification for Student Data.

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-driven API.


The software supports integration with SCT Banner, SCT Luminis, Datatel, PeopleSoft 8 or customized integration with other SIS or portal systems.


The software is compliant with the IMS Enterprise Specification for Student Data.

Additional Comments:

There are several methods available for integration with an SIS system. The native course management api CM API provides a batch synchronization process that imports course management  data into the CLE from an institution's SIS system. It supports auto provisioning of enrollments, site memberships and section membership and allows course administrators to create sites as needed by assigning available rosters to a site. The CM API supports:
* Course management membership roles and/or enrollment statuses are converted to Sakai roles using a role resolver configuration file stored in the system directory
* Automatic assignment of TAs to sections reflected in SIS data  via Section tool
* Ability to search on student name and id via Sections tool
* Automatic management of sections & memberships for official registrants in courses via Sections tool
* Manual option of creating sections and memberships
* Student sign-up and switching of sections
* Course administrators to create sites as needed by assigning  available rosters to a site
* Instructors and/or TAs to create their own sites and sections at will

A light weight alternative is available for integration with student registration data. This mechanism offers batch creation of sites, users, enrollments and sections.

Registration Information is available from within the system via two tools: Roster and Profile: Roster Tool: Provides Profile.
The Roster tool provides a list of all users in the a site, a link to an individual user's profile, a picture the user has made available to all users, and an official photo ID for use by the administrative users of the site. The Roster tool now uses a new API to manage privacy.Profile Tool: The profile

The Profile tool allows a user to enter or choose to display public and personal information, including a university ID picture if available. The profile tool can have university provided or individually provided self-reported information about any user in the system. It can be edited, restricted/opened/hidden and can include personal images or institutionally provided images. The user may choose whether this information is public or private. The Profile tool now includes a new privacy management feature, which allows users to hide portions of their personal data contained in their profile.

Users who have logged into the application system may search for another user's profile using this tool to obtain and may view any information that a another user has chosen to make public.


The Sakai Commercial Affiliates offer a range of hosting and support options. For a listing of Commercial Affiliates, see the Sakai site or click here:



Test Types

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