- Remove redundant method stubs from EntityProducer implementationsSAK-50688Resolved issue: SAK-50688Adrian Fish
- Syllabus: Re-order accessibility issues with WCAG 2.5.1 and 2.5.7SAK-50589Core Team
- Responsiveness of Syllabus toolSAK-50415Resolved issue: SAK-50415Sharadhi Raghuraj
- Syllabus: Manage items page does not follow responsive mode correctlySAK-50397Core Team
- Add Notifications for new or updated content in Syllabus toolSAK-50048Core Team
- Allow instructor to specify if attached file should open within the content frameSAK-49799Core Team
- Sort attachments by nameSAK-49721Resolved issue: SAK-49721Daniel Merino
- change behavior of Reset on Redirect page so that it clears url, but requires a Save to confirm the changeSAK-49712Resolved issue: SAK-49712Sam Ottenhoff
- Syllabus tool > Add > Create Syllabus Items by number of items/dates> Additional options disappear when forgetting to input a titleSAK-49683Resolved issue: SAK-49683Andrea Schmidt
- Syllabus - Reorder without editing gives errorSAK-49647Core Team
- Syllabus: Unable to remove attached filesSAK-49620Resolved issue: SAK-49620Core Team
- Syllabus: Padding needed for create by date - class meeting daysSAK-49526Pravin M.D
- Syllabus add drag n drop functionality to the Manage tabSAK-49500Core Team
- Syllabus Tool Import FunctionSAK-49127Resolved issue: SAK-49127Christina Schwiebert
- All buttons aren’t visible on the form in the ‘add item’ form. Refer to video.SAK-49115Resolved issue: SAK-49115Core Team
- Add an Edit Section button to the Syllabus toolSAK-48990Core Team
- Remove unused FileUploadFilter's from various projectsSAK-48840Resolved issue: SAK-48840Matthew Jones
- Syllabus UI improvementsSAK-48479Resolved issue: SAK-48479Earle Nietzel
- Syllabus: Formatting error on 'bulk add by dates'SAK-48422Core Team
- Syllabus: 'Add to calendar' on main syllabus page gives an errorSAK-48412Resolved issue: SAK-48412Core Team
- Syllabus: Spurious text on pageSAK-48375Resolved issue: SAK-48375Zhuo Yang
- Syllabus / Messages: cannot add a URL "attachment" OR select from ResourcesSAK-48372Resolved issue: SAK-48372kunaljaykam
- Syllabus: creating new item in HTML editor on a small browser window does not get the reduced button barSAK-48333Resolved issue: SAK-48333Core Team
- ORACLE: Error while importing syllabusSAK-47900Resolved issue: SAK-47900Victor Gomollon Martos
- Personalization System-wide - Allow personalization of content throughout Sakai (not just Lessons)SAK-47896
- Syllabus: Add date options, add to Calendar option, and attachments option, email notification when initially creating the syllabusSAK-47810Core Team
- Syllabus Tool (and others): Should Warning Messages Be Yellow and Error Messages Be Red?SAK-47166
- Error in Eclipse: The package org.w3c.dom is accessible from more than one module: <unnamed>, java.xmlSAK-46857Resolved issue: SAK-46857Matthew Jones
- Syllabus deletes or moves dates on bulk edit saveSAK-46385Resolved issue: SAK-46385Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Syllabus > Students can reorder syllabus items - incorrect behavior?SAK-45925Resolved issue: SAK-45925Miguel Pellicer
- Mojarra JSF has been moved and maintained by the Eclipse FoundationSAK-45906Resolved issue: SAK-45906Miguel Pellicer
- JSF2: Disable verifyObjects feature for production environmentsSAK-45902Resolved issue: SAK-45902Miguel Pellicer
- Syllabus | Styling cleanupSAK-45816
- Syllabus > Print Preview IssueSAK-45636Core Team
- When adding image in Syllabus, server logs show issues with the span tagsSAK-45605Resolved issue: SAK-45605Christopher Maurer
- Syllabus JSF upgradeSAK-45501Resolved issue: SAK-45501Christopher Maurer
- Syllabus | Remove iconSAK-45302Resolved issue: SAK-45302Core Team
- Dark Mode | Syllabus > EditSAK-45301Resolved issue: SAK-45301Michael Greene
- Dark Mode | Syllabus > Bulk AddSAK-45300Resolved issue: SAK-45300Michael Greene
- Upgrade high priority tools to work with dark modeSAK-45018Resolved issue: SAK-45018Michael Greene
- Search should work for Syllabus name, text, attachmentsSAK-44917Core Team
- Syllabus move persistence from HBM to JPASAK-44784Resolved issue: SAK-44784Earle Nietzel
- Low priority syllabus items updates are sent to students who have opted out of email notificationsSAK-44635Resolved issue: SAK-44635Core Team
- Include Edit information in Add syllabus item screenSAK-44634Core Team
- Syllabus: autoplayed videos inserted in CKEditor are automatically played when the syllabus item has not been expandedSAK-43997Core Team
- Syllabus - required * indicator too wideSAK-43984Resolved issue: SAK-43984Michael Greene
- Syllabus: Deleting displays a "Saved" messageSAK-43529Resolved issue: SAK-43529Core Team
- SWITCH: Syllabus: Fix bad pattern in the first selected tabSAK-43414Resolved issue: SAK-43414Miguel Pellicer
- Syllabus: Unable to remove attachmentSAK-43384Resolved issue: SAK-43384Matthew Jones
- Syllabus: Uncaught TypeError console error when removing an attachmentSAK-43383Resolved issue: SAK-43383Bernardo Garcia Vila
50 of 508
Remove redundant method stubs from EntityProducer implementations
Affects versions
Fix versions
Adrian Fish
Adrian FishReporter
Adrian Fish
Adrian FishCreated November 16, 2024 at 11:06 AM
Updated January 12, 2025 at 3:59 PM
Resolved November 20, 2024 at 10:20 AM
Sam Ottenhoff January 12, 2025 at 3:59 PM
Andrea Schmidt January 12, 2025 at 3:52 PM
@Sam Ottenhoff @Earle Nietzel @Adrian Fish In the last couple of weeks, I have tested many tools (when verifying Jiras) with the logs open, also testing the cc+ export/import with the logs open, which tests different tools. I think if there were issues, they would have been found already.
Automation for Jira November 18, 2024 at 9:52 AM
A pull request has been created, "SAK-50688 manytools Remove redundant method stubs from EntityProducers", you can see it at
Remove redundant method stubs from EntityProducer implementations. We now have default implementations on the EntityProducer methods, so we don’t need these unnecessary and cluttering stubs. Also, these stubs show as false positives when you’re trying to work out which tools actually implement methods like archive and merge.