- SECTION INFO: Change the default value from 50 to 200 in the tab Student MembershipsSAK-51008Resolved issue: SAK-51008Jesús Alonso Madrid
- Students can skip date-based access restrictions with URLsSAK-50562
- Add Notifications for Section Info toolSAK-50046
- Section Info: Need a direct way to navigate back to the main “Student Memberships” page/list of Students after assigning/unassigning a StudentSAK-49928Resolved issue: SAK-49928Matthew Jones
- Problem alphabetical order of the student names in the "Section info" toolSAK-49722Resolved issue: SAK-49722Victor Gomollon Martos
- Sections: Restrict switching from manual to externally managed sections to instructorsSAK-49513Resolved issue: SAK-49513Miguel Pellicer
- Section Info: Section won't be unlocked after deleting its associated assignmentSAK-49314
- Section info: Switching from manual and automatic does not transitionSAK-49126
- Section Info: Pressing return key does not search for studentsSAK-49120
- Section Info: formatting is off when changing from 1 > more sectionsSAK-48963
- Error in groups created with Section Info when student disappears from siteSAK-48698Resolved issue: SAK-48698Alejandro Martínez Fernández
- There can only be one role with section.role.TA and section.role.Student permissions.SAK-48024Resolved issue: SAK-48024Alejandro Martínez Fernández
- When a group is created on Section Info, the user who has created should be assigned TA automaticallySAK-47873Eduardo Rey Jara
- User with Admin role cannot manage groupsSAK-47854Resolved issue: SAK-47854Alejandro Martínez Fernández
- Section Info: When adding a section, the Location textbox is not labelledSAK-47809
- Section Info: Choosing option to "Manually manage sections" does not resize the table view on the Instructor's Overview pageSAK-47808
- Section Info: validation message does not have a pink background on errorSAK-47807Resolved issue: SAK-47807Christopher Maurer
- Section info: Console error on empty tableSAK-47698Resolved issue: SAK-47698Christopher Maurer
- Site name seems redundant in a section's description and causes troubleSAK-46980Resolved issue: SAK-46980Daniel Merino
- Section Info > Options > Improve Text Wrapping/Centering/Consistency Around CheckboxesSAK-46924
- TAs can Assign Students in sections in which they are not includedSAK-46921Resolved issue: SAK-46921Alejandro Martínez Fernández
- Error in Eclipse: The package org.w3c.dom is accessible from more than one module: <unnamed>, java.xmlSAK-46857Resolved issue: SAK-46857Matthew Jones
- Section Info: Instructor May Only Select Checkboxes When Changing from Automatically Managing to Manually Managing Class SectionsSAK-46749Resolved issue: SAK-46749Steve Waldeck
- Sections filter input could fail using languages that do use of single quote characterSAK-46678Resolved issue: SAK-46678Jose Cebe
- Section Info > Options > Improve Text Wrapping around Radio ButtonsSAK-46295Resolved issue: SAK-46295Roberto Pérez Marcos
- Morpheus | Color contrast issuesSAK-46240Michael Greene
- Sections Tool - hide section members from other sections?SAK-46161
- Mojarra JSF has been moved and maintained by the Eclipse FoundationSAK-45906Resolved issue: SAK-45906Miguel Pellicer
- Section Info / Student Memberships: Design inconsistenciesSAK-45716
- Section Info: Modify success banner styleSAK-45715Resolved issue: SAK-45715Vicent Alfonso
- Section Info: Time zone is incorrect for MauritiusSAK-45245
- Section Info: no warning when switching from Manually manage to Automatically manage sectionsSAK-45098Resolved issue: SAK-45098Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Section Info: no validation errorSAK-45097Resolved issue: SAK-45097Bernardo Garcia Vila
- CLONE - Error when try adding a student on a blocked section/groupSAK-45014
- Section Info console error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property '_DT_CellIndex' of undefinedSAK-44701
- You are able to move members of locked sections in the same categorySAK-44660
- Blocked sections should not be available in Student MembershipsSAK-44656Jose Cebe
- Check boxes/radio buttons floating above associated text at small window sizeSAK-44541Michael Greene
- Error when try adding a student on a blocked section/groupSAK-44532Resolved issue: SAK-44532Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- SECTION INFO: First row shouldn't appear if 0 items foundSAK-44069Resolved issue: SAK-44069Vicent Alfonso
- Sections JSF upgradeSAK-43466Resolved issue: SAK-43466Christopher Maurer
- Section Info - Section name of <space>SAK-43106Resolved issue: SAK-43106Christopher Maurer
- Section Info - "Validation Error" and "Conversion Error" message should be more descriptive for usersSAK-43105Christopher Maurer
- Section Info > Edit/Assign Options disappear with Group Submission AssignmentsSAK-42421
- Many tools do not ImportSAK-42264Resolved issue: SAK-42264Adrian Fish
- Remove module sections-app-utilSAK-42201Resolved issue: SAK-42201Earle Nietzel
- Create consistent page headers for Statistics, Section info, Commons, PodcastsSAK-42104Resolved issue: SAK-42104William Yu
- Changing Headers in Tools for Consistency and AccessibilitySAK-42100Michelle Tai
- Console error when clicking on section infoSAK-41787
- section: commons-lang => commons-lang3SAK-41616Resolved issue: SAK-41616David Horwitz
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