- Make permissions webcomponent use Sakai i18n jsSAK-42396Resolved issue: SAK-42396Adrian Fish
- Build atom level web components for button and checkboxSAK-42157Michael Greene
- Changing Headers in Tools for Consistency and AccessibilitySAK-42100Michelle Tai
- Standardize primary and secondary action buttonsSAK-42036Resolved issue: SAK-42036Kyle White
- Add ability to control more UI strings in the permissions widgetSAK-32702Resolved issue: SAK-32702Brian J.
- Rows/Columns aren't clickable in email permissions tab.SAK-32592Resolved issue: SAK-32592Matthew Buckett
- Library: Restyle the action buttons for Sakai tools (Primary and Secondary actions)SAK-32491Resolved issue: SAK-32491Shawn Foster
- Merge all admin velocity tools into one project.SAK-32233Resolved issue: SAK-32233Matthew Buckett
- Provide a valid label for form fields - permission widgetSAK-31626Resolved issue: SAK-31626Sam Ottenhoff
- You are not in a maintainer role in any course sections. Therefore, you cannot create any course sites at this time.SAK-31510KERNEL TEAM
- announcements, assignments: permissions page doesnt have tabsSAK-30262Core Team
- Wrong composite page in Authz WidgetSAK-30066Resolved issue: SAK-30066Eduardo Rey Jara
- Consolidate JavaScript functions to disable controls and show a spinner into Reference (library)SAK-30059Resolved issue: SAK-30059Brian J.
- Remove covers from /authzSAK-29792Resolved issue: SAK-29792Matthew Buckett
- Update disableControls JavaScript to include checkboxesSAK-29779Resolved issue: SAK-29779Brian J.
- Permissions helper -> "Undo Changes" link should be a buttonSAK-29759Resolved issue: SAK-29759Brian J.
- Control, via configuration, which permissions can assigned to certain rolesSAK-29403Resolved issue: SAK-29403Adrian Fish
- Stop users from changing some permissions.SAK-29156Resolved issue: SAK-29156Core Team
- Permissions Helper should cleanup empty realmsSAK-29155Resolved issue: SAK-29155Core Team
- If you access the permission widget but can't edit permissions you get stuck.SAK-29152Resolved issue: SAK-29152Core Team
- zh_CN translation for 10.0 : authzSAK-27515Resolved issue: SAK-27515Gao Jun
- Tool permission changes are not reflected/activated immediatelySAK-26160Resolved issue: SAK-26160Core Team
- Add localized role label support in authz toolSAK-25892Resolved issue: SAK-25892Core Team
- Simplified Chinese translation for Sakai 2.9.3: authzSAK-25576Resolved issue: SAK-25576Gao Jun
- Can't remove last permission from a realmSAK-23511Resolved issue: SAK-23511Core Team
- 100% fr_FR translation of /authzSAK-22625Resolved issue: SAK-22625Jean-François Lévêque
- Site-Resources- Permissions- The swedish translation is missingSAK-21095Resolved issue: SAK-21095Core Team
- PermissionHelper asumes passed Map is HashMapSAK-20741Resolved issue: SAK-20741David Horwitz
- Update permission helper to use new fieldsSAK-20740Resolved issue: SAK-20740David Horwitz
- site.visit.unp permission is not picked up from !site.helper realm for TA roleSAK-20444Resolved issue: SAK-20444
- Group-enabled permissions widget is misleadingSAK-19645Resolved issue: SAK-19645Zhen Qian
- Permissions - UI issueSAK-19524Resolved issue: SAK-19524Gonzalo Silverio
- OOTB Instructor role cannot edit group permissionsSAK-18258Resolved issue: SAK-18258Zhen Qian
- Have tools using jQuery-UI use latest version in referenceSAK-17964Resolved issue: SAK-17964Matthew Jones
- Maintainer/Instructor can remove their own ability to use the Assignments tool.SAK-17672Resolved issue: SAK-17672Gonzalo Silverio
- make permissions settable at group levelSAK-16444Resolved issue: SAK-16444Zhen Qian
- Pressing back button from the permissions helper in email archive locks up the toolSAK-15881Resolved issue: SAK-15881Matthew Buckett
- 'Role', 'all.groups', 'new', 'submit', 'delete', 'read', 'revise','grade', or 'receive.notifications' should reorder/sort the list by the field that is clicked.SAK-11641Resolved issue: SAK-11641Zhen Qian
- Accessibility: Granting permissions is confusing (Permissions widget)SAK-11203Resolved issue: SAK-11203David Horwitz
- "Hidden" permission gets confused with "hide from non-administrator" propertySAK-10780Resolved issue: SAK-10780
- Permissions widget does not validateSAK-9770Resolved issue: SAK-9770
- Need control over group permissions so its clear to site creator who can do whatSAK-6898Resolved issue: SAK-6898
- !user.template and !site.helper permissions are displayed but not applied in the Forms toolSAK-6362Resolved issue: SAK-6362OSP Jira Team
- Site-level permissions are deleted when permissions are edited and inherited permissions existSAK-6361Resolved issue: SAK-6361Matthew Buckett
- !user.template permissions are displayed but not applied in Resources toolSAK-6359Resolved issue: SAK-6359
- project permissions cannot be editedSAK-5819Resolved issue: SAK-5819
- Permissions for group-aware tools need to show / edit group as well as site permissionsSAK-5426Resolved issue: SAK-5426
- java.sql.SQLException: Column 'REALM_ID' cannot be nullSAK-5113Resolved issue: SAK-5113Jim Pease
- Resources / Error '[missing key: per.alert]' when attempting to edit folder permissionsSAK-4622Resolved issue: SAK-4622John Leasia
- Give users a global view of permissions across the site (all tools) at onceSAK-2603Resolved issue: SAK-2603
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