- Organize Pinned Long site names go outside the boxSAK-51023Resolved issue: SAK-51023Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Powered image is missing since TrinitySAK-50930Resolved issue: SAK-50930Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Adding overflow hidden for the large sites on the menuSAK-50878Resolved issue: SAK-50878Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Remove quicklinks from print viewSAK-50603Resolved issue: SAK-50603Andrea Schmidt
- Update Node and SASS for Sakai 25SAK-50593Resolved issue: SAK-50593Sam Ottenhoff
- Library print.css needs trinity improvementsSAK-50531Resolved issue: SAK-50531Sam Ottenhoff
- Portal: Background not darkened when timeout warning displaysSAK-50359Resolved issue: SAK-50359Sean Horner
- Library Centralize Bootstrap Tooltip InitializationSAK-50282Resolved issue: SAK-50282kunaljaykam
- Library Fix Sass Deprecation WarningsSAK-50253Resolved issue: SAK-50253kunaljaykam
- Update NPM libs across SakaiSAK-50230Resolved issue: SAK-50230Earle Nietzel
- Libsass support for arm64 (apple silicon)SAK-50174Resolved issue: SAK-50174Earle Nietzel
- Library Import Font Awesome-4 with SASS Math CompatibilitySAK-50087Resolved issue: SAK-50087kunaljaykam
- Reduce excessive messages in console output from sakai-lti-advantage.jsSAK-50060Resolved issue: SAK-50060Matthew Jones
- Update Bootstrap-Icons 1.11.3SAK-50027Resolved issue: SAK-50027kunaljaykam
- Library - npm update autoprefixerSAK-50001Resolved issue: SAK-50001kunaljaykam
- Use SASS math functionsSAK-49984Resolved issue: SAK-49984kunaljaykam
- Library: templates.js console errorsSAK-49609Resolved issue: SAK-49609Miguel Pellicer
- CKEditor: Add FmathEditor plugin to the editorSAK-49520Resolved issue: SAK-49520Miguel Pellicer
- Restore FontAwesome in Sakai 23 - Also restore the RTE FontAwesome Plug InSAK-49457Resolved issue: SAK-49457kunaljaykam
- userNotification: display error with long titlesSAK-49329
- Remove temporary files from librarySAK-49252Resolved issue: SAK-49252Earle Nietzel
- some variables not changing when building a custom branded skin in the new portalSAK-49182Resolved issue: SAK-49182Sam Ottenhoff
- skin customization not picking up changes in customization file during buildSAK-49176Adrian Fish
- ckeditor textarea grows taller everytime the expand/collapse icon is toggledSAK-49069Core Team
- Lessons error dialog's "slashed circle" icon is misalignedSAK-48916Resolved issue: SAK-48916Core Team
- While using Dark Mode, hyperlinked text is not immediately apparentSAK-48663Resolved issue: SAK-48663
- License - use type not confirmed!SAK-48543Resolved issue: SAK-48543Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Library: Static Content: Use HTML codes instead of accented charactersSAK-48503Resolved issue: SAK-48503Miguel Pellicer
- Unaligned texts in resources toolSAK-48433Resolved issue: SAK-48433Miguel Pellicer
- assignments grader's feedback comments and private notes' ckeditor no longer includes the text color optionSAK-48309Resolved issue: SAK-48309Earle Nietzel
- Jump to Top icon contrast in Dark Mode is not visibleSAK-48223
- Dark mode Highlight color could use more contrastSAK-48219Resolved issue: SAK-48219
- Update the site manage tools to bootstrap 5 for the new trinity portalSAK-48170Resolved issue: SAK-48170Adrian Fish
- Make standard way to indicate that a form field is requiredSAK-48088Resolved issue: SAK-48088Charles R Severance
- Bootstrap Icons are not visible in the trinity portalSAK-48001Resolved issue: SAK-48001Earle Nietzel
- ckeditor drag and drop files results in server errorSAK-47957Resolved issue: SAK-47957David Bauer
- Move to using a service worker in the browser for handling Server Sent Events. Hook the bullhorns up to it.SAK-47792Resolved issue: SAK-47792Adrian Fish
- Remove/update/simplify Docker folder in Sakai main repoSAK-47323
- "No" Symbol Displays in Reverse (slash goes in wrong direction)SAK-47215
- Disable property: Add "direct-upload" endpoint to content entity providerSAK-47049Resolved issue: SAK-47049Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Grades in samigo could be not visible because the full grade row does not fit the device widthSAK-46942Resolved issue: SAK-46942Jose Cebe
- ERROR 404 Library - lang.jsSAK-46804Resolved issue: SAK-46804Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Should the tool menu display long titles?SAK-46757
- Remove last usage of MyInfusion and remove fluid librariesSAK-46744Resolved issue: SAK-46744Matthew Jones
- Chat: Messages Box That Displays Posts Is Low Readability Contrast With Dark ThemeSAK-46472Resolved issue: SAK-46472Roberto Pérez Marcos
- Assignments/Announcements - Reorder : strange behaviour with visible itemsSAK-46457
- Reorder using numbers is not workingSAK-46456Resolved issue: SAK-46456Roberto Pérez Marcos
- Trinity PortalSAK-46392Resolved issue: SAK-46392Michael Greene
- CKEDITOR: Add openlink pluginSAK-46270Michael Greene
- Change scroll behavior to page anchors throughout Sakai to smoothSAK-46228Resolved issue: SAK-46228Michael Greene
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