- Lessons: siteId replacement fails after importing content if destination siteId is part of the source siteIdSAK-51154Manu Fuster
- Lessons-Assignment: console errors for tags - tag fields not available when creating an assignment through LessonsSAK-51145Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Lessons/Gradebook: Lesson Question gradebook item can remain associated to soft-deleted lesson pageSAK-51143Core Team
- Lessons: Additional options are greyed out even when applicableSAK-51124Core Team
- Polls cc+ import log messages should be debug not infoSAK-51107Resolved issue: SAK-51107Charles R Severance
- Announcements - cc+ import adding draft announcements for assignmentsSAK-51090Resolved issue: SAK-51090Charles R Severance
- cc+ import: when importing the same file twice in the same course, there are many warnings in the server logsSAK-51066Resolved issue: SAK-51066Charles R Severance
- Lessons downloads WAV file on reloadSAK-51063Resolved issue: SAK-51063Sam Ottenhoff
- Lessons cc+ import: ckeditor not importing embedded image for Simple QuestionSAK-51062Resolved issue: SAK-51062Charles R Severance
- Lessons: 404 error when opening a resource link with prerequisitesSAK-51056Resolved issue: SAK-51056Core Team
- Lessons: Embedded RTE image links need to be updated with cc+ importSAK-51049Resolved issue: SAK-51049Charles R Severance
- Lessons: Embedding calendar in collapsible section (Start collapsed) does not display correctlySAK-51045Resolved issue: SAK-51045Manu Fuster
- cc+ import server log error: o.s.a.i.BaseAnnouncementService.getEntityUrl No announcements tool in siteSAK-51043Charles R Severance
- Resources/Lessons: File access as a function of hiding & locking resourcesSAK-50993Core Team
- Lessons Conditions - View items based on grades/requirementsSAK-50981Core Team
- CKEditor: Embedded image links need to be updated with cc+ importSAK-50980Resolved issue: SAK-50980Charles R Severance
- Lessons cc+ import does not import content unless the file is imported twiceSAK-50978Resolved issue: SAK-50978Charles R Severance
- cc+ exports and imports dealing with groupsSAK-50977Charles R Severance
- cc+ import of group submission assignment: server log error on editSAK-50976Resolved issue: SAK-50976Charles R Severance
- Lessons: Fix broken LTI links in the RTE items in Lessons on Site Copy or CC+Archive ImportSAK-50953Resolved issue: SAK-50953Charles R Severance
- CC+ Several tools do not import attachmentsSAK-50946Resolved issue: SAK-50946Charles R Severance
- SAK-50945 Assignment cc+archive should not export group dataSAK-50945Resolved issue: SAK-50945Charles R Severance
- Email Archive cc+ export warning message in server logsSAK-50944Resolved issue: SAK-50944Charles R Severance
- Web Content cc+ export not keeping the "open in new window" optionSAK-50943Resolved issue: SAK-50943Charles R Severance
- Lesson Add translations for custom file name upload and link titleSAK-50928Resolved issue: SAK-50928kunaljaykam
- CC+Archive Lessons cross-server import has stack traceSAK-50927Resolved issue: SAK-50927Charles R Severance
- Lesson add translation configuration to lessons-calendarSAK-50910Resolved issue: SAK-50910kunaljaykam
- Cross-server imports: Archive improve the fidelity of archive / merge (Umbrella)SAK-50909Charles R Severance
- Lessons: UX bug when adding multiple content links above an itemSAK-50898Sean Horner
- Access to an embed PDF file on Lessons when Resources has been blocked.SAK-50896
- Lessons console error: Blocked aria-hidden on an element because its descendant retained focus.SAK-50888Resolved issue: SAK-50888Sam Ottenhoff
- Commons Archive: cc+ warning on importSAK-50881Resolved issue: SAK-50881Charles R Severance
- Lessons: must query sakaiId as a string not a numberSAK-50874Resolved issue: SAK-50874Earle Nietzel
- Assignments Archive cc+: if LTI tools are not on the server, and any assignments were LTI, no assignments are importedSAK-50855Resolved issue: SAK-50855Core Team
- Assignments: cc+ export/import not keeping model answer or private noteSAK-50854Resolved issue: SAK-50854Charles R Severance
- Change "Embed Discussions Conversations" labeling to avoid tool confusionSAK-50841Core Team
- ORACLE: Column NULL cannot modify to NULLSAK-50833Resolved issue: SAK-50833Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- T&Q cc+ export/import - Feedback setting "Show the correct answer" not presentSAK-50827Resolved issue: SAK-50827Charles R Severance
- T&Q cc+ imports both draft and published assessmentsSAK-50826Resolved issue: SAK-50826Charles R Severance
- Samigo: Archive improve the fidelity of archive / merge (Umbrella)SAK-50825Core Team
- Assignments-LTI: cc+ imported assignments cannot be edited if they contain an LTI toolSAK-50820Resolved issue: SAK-50820Charles R Severance
- Site Info > Lessons subpages checkbox not available until after Lessons has been added to the siteSAK-50805Resolved issue: SAK-50805Earle Nietzel
- Lessons: Don't import if there are no items in a lessonSAK-50802Resolved issue: SAK-50802kunaljaykam
- Discussions cc+Archive: settings for topics are missing/incorrect on importSAK-50800Resolved issue: SAK-50800Charles R Severance
- Lessons: cc+ export> import Skipping merge archive data for GradebookNGSAK-50799Core Team
- Commons Archive: cc+ export > import Skipping merge archive data for org.sakaiproject.commons.api.CommonsManagerSAK-50798Charles R Severance
- Lessons: cc+ export > import archive.xml warning in server logsSAK-50793Resolved issue: SAK-50793Charles R Severance
- CC exclude Search on exportSAK-50790Resolved issue: SAK-50790Charles R Severance
- Lessons improve import and feedback after import for LTI toolsSAK-50789Resolved issue: SAK-50789Charles R Severance
- Lessons LTI Tools Ignore Launch in New Window when first placedSAK-50785Resolved issue: SAK-50785Charles R Severance
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