- Contact Us: Change default address from GoogleSAK-49074
- Contact Us: Email sent to Instructor has incorrect textSAK-48812Resolved issue: SAK-48812Christopher Maurer
- Contact Us - Feedback / form submitted generates email with user cc'd on emailSAK-48370
- Feedback: Implementation error for studentsSAK-48027Resolved issue: SAK-48027Adrian Fish
- Error message for missing "Summary" erroneously refers to the field as "description" (EN locale)SAK-47950Resolved issue: SAK-47950Christopher Maurer
- Error message for missing "Subject" erroneously refers to the field as "title" (EN locale)SAK-47949Resolved issue: SAK-47949
- Error in logs when sending email to site contact in "Contact Us" tool, but error is handled.SAK-47889Resolved issue: SAK-47889Matthew Jones
- When sending a message with feedback it returns a java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException and doesn't sendSAK-47888Resolved issue: SAK-47888Matthew Jones
- Feedback tool: The email for the Contact Us form needs to be one that can be accessed by QASAK-46751Resolved issue: SAK-46751Matthew Jones
- Feedback tool: When setting the 'X-Content-Type-Options' header the tool does not load.SAK-46722Resolved issue: SAK-46722Roberto Pérez Marcos
- Feedback-Tool: remote recaptcha script is loaded even if disabledSAK-45315Resolved issue: SAK-45315
- Feedback: Update banners to use the Sakai ones.SAK-42835Resolved issue: SAK-42835Miguel Pellicer
- Standardize primary and secondary action buttonsSAK-42036Resolved issue: SAK-42036Kyle White
- Feedback (Contact Us) tool fails when attempting to send attachmentsSAK-41948Resolved issue: SAK-41948Miguel Pellicer
- Feedback: commons-lang => commons-lang3SAK-41675Resolved issue: SAK-41675David Horwitz
- if a file > 10MB s attached then the form cannot be submitted but no explanation as to why is offeredSAK-33791
- E-TUTORSAK-33345Resolved issue: SAK-33345FELIX
- Non-portal tools do not use portal.cdn.versionSAK-32585
- Library: Restyle the action buttons for Sakai tools (Primary and Secondary actions)SAK-32491Resolved issue: SAK-32491Shawn Foster
- When attempting to feedback an error is returnedSAK-32404
- Title not displaying in the contact us toolSAK-31995Resolved issue: SAK-31995Nick Wilson
- Email not sent if user tries to visit non-existent site and then uses contact us tool to report a problem with contentSAK-31981Resolved issue: SAK-31981Nick Wilson
- contact us / feedback url propertySAK-31850Resolved issue: SAK-31850Nick Wilson
- Backport Database changes from SAK-31184SAK-31315Resolved issue: SAK-31315Nick Wilson
- Set default target of 'suggest feature' to be the apereo Sakai farm landing pageSAK-31266
- Improvements to the Feedback ToolSAK-31184Resolved issue: SAK-31184Nick Wilson
- Update README.mdSAK-30836Resolved issue: SAK-30836Nick Wilson
- Make Contact Us tool added to new site by defaultSAK-30809Resolved issue: SAK-30809Nick Wilson
- Add in Feature suggestion info box if no property setSAK-30778Resolved issue: SAK-30778Molly Kelsey
- The Contact Us (Feedback) tool should appear on every site by defaultSAK-30717Resolved issue: SAK-30717Nick Wilson
- Contact Us tool should use property if no specific "contact points" are setSAK-30715
- Contact Us (feedback) tool should use the default Sakai mail supportSAK-30662Resolved issue: SAK-30662Nick Wilson
- Document how to add the feedback tool.SAK-29944Resolved issue: SAK-29944Matthew Buckett
- Feedback Tool - Typo error in tool titleSAK-29724Resolved issue: SAK-29724Miguel Pellicer
- Feedback Tool - Small improvements over textsSAK-29681Resolved issue: SAK-29681Miguel Pellicer
- Feedback Tool - Attachment section is not accessibleSAK-29680Resolved issue: SAK-29680Miguel Pellicer
- Add Feedback DDL to conversion scriptsSAK-29657Resolved issue: SAK-29657Miguel Pellicer
- Feedback Tool - feedback-help-item is not usedSAK-29599Resolved issue: SAK-29599Francisco Saez
- Suggestions panel should not be shown if featureSuggestionUrl is emptySAK-29592Resolved issue: SAK-29592Francisco Saez
- add licence to source codeSAK-29588Resolved issue: SAK-29588Miguel Pellicer
- associate portal icon for Feedback toolSAK-29579Resolved issue: SAK-29579Miguel Pellicer
- Feedback tool - Use portal JQUERYSAK-29572Resolved issue: SAK-29572Miguel Pellicer
- Change images in Feedback tool to use Font Awesome font and add alt attributeSAK-29568Resolved issue: SAK-29568Miguel Pellicer
- email address field in not accessibleSAK-29567Resolved issue: SAK-29567Miguel Pellicer
- Missing <title>SAK-29566Resolved issue: SAK-29566Miguel Pellicer
- Remove tables on data entry pagesSAK-29565Resolved issue: SAK-29565Miguel Pellicer
- Feedback Tool - Indicate in UI that "team contact email" and "feedback URL" are unset.SAK-29539Resolved issue: SAK-29539Miguel Pellicer
- Feedback Tool - Help links causes 404SAK-29538Resolved issue: SAK-29538Miguel Pellicer
- Feedback Tool - helpdeskUrl has no effect over the applicationSAK-29537Resolved issue: SAK-29537Miguel Pellicer
- Feedback Tool - The contact name uses a different propertySAK-29536Resolved issue: SAK-29536Miguel Pellicer
50 of 53
Is it possible to apply some logic to the settings on the creation and modification of a test/quiz.
It would be ideal if an error was thrown if
1) the due date was before the open date
2) the retract date is before the open date
3) the retract date is before the due date
Is there a case for any of the settings above?
If no - is it possible to deny the case of a retract date before a due date (so it would not allow the user to save the quiz with retract date before a due date configuration) .