- Contact Us: Change default address from GoogleSAK-49074
- Contact Us: Email sent to Instructor has incorrect textSAK-48812Resolved issue: SAK-48812Christopher Maurer
- Contact Us - Feedback / form submitted generates email with user cc'd on emailSAK-48370
- Feedback: Implementation error for studentsSAK-48027Resolved issue: SAK-48027Adrian Fish
- Error message for missing "Summary" erroneously refers to the field as "description" (EN locale)SAK-47950Resolved issue: SAK-47950Christopher Maurer
- Error message for missing "Subject" erroneously refers to the field as "title" (EN locale)SAK-47949Resolved issue: SAK-47949
- Error in logs when sending email to site contact in "Contact Us" tool, but error is handled.SAK-47889Resolved issue: SAK-47889Matthew Jones
- When sending a message with feedback it returns a java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException and doesn't sendSAK-47888Resolved issue: SAK-47888Matthew Jones
- Feedback tool: The email for the Contact Us form needs to be one that can be accessed by QASAK-46751Resolved issue: SAK-46751Matthew Jones
- Feedback tool: When setting the 'X-Content-Type-Options' header the tool does not load.SAK-46722Resolved issue: SAK-46722Roberto Pérez Marcos
- Feedback-Tool: remote recaptcha script is loaded even if disabledSAK-45315Resolved issue: SAK-45315
- Feedback: Update banners to use the Sakai ones.SAK-42835Resolved issue: SAK-42835Miguel Pellicer
- Standardize primary and secondary action buttonsSAK-42036Resolved issue: SAK-42036Kyle White
- Feedback (Contact Us) tool fails when attempting to send attachmentsSAK-41948Resolved issue: SAK-41948Miguel Pellicer
- Feedback: commons-lang => commons-lang3SAK-41675Resolved issue: SAK-41675David Horwitz
- if a file > 10MB s attached then the form cannot be submitted but no explanation as to why is offeredSAK-33791
- E-TUTORSAK-33345Resolved issue: SAK-33345FELIX
- Non-portal tools do not use portal.cdn.versionSAK-32585
- Library: Restyle the action buttons for Sakai tools (Primary and Secondary actions)SAK-32491Resolved issue: SAK-32491Shawn Foster
- When attempting to feedback an error is returnedSAK-32404
- Title not displaying in the contact us toolSAK-31995Resolved issue: SAK-31995Nick Wilson
- Email not sent if user tries to visit non-existent site and then uses contact us tool to report a problem with contentSAK-31981Resolved issue: SAK-31981Nick Wilson
- contact us / feedback url propertySAK-31850Resolved issue: SAK-31850Nick Wilson
- Backport Database changes from SAK-31184SAK-31315Resolved issue: SAK-31315Nick Wilson
- Set default target of 'suggest feature' to be the apereo Sakai farm landing pageSAK-31266
- Improvements to the Feedback ToolSAK-31184Resolved issue: SAK-31184Nick Wilson
- Update README.mdSAK-30836Resolved issue: SAK-30836Nick Wilson
- Make Contact Us tool added to new site by defaultSAK-30809Resolved issue: SAK-30809Nick Wilson
- Add in Feature suggestion info box if no property setSAK-30778Resolved issue: SAK-30778Molly Kelsey
- The Contact Us (Feedback) tool should appear on every site by defaultSAK-30717Resolved issue: SAK-30717Nick Wilson
- Contact Us tool should use property if no specific "contact points" are setSAK-30715
- Contact Us (feedback) tool should use the default Sakai mail supportSAK-30662Resolved issue: SAK-30662Nick Wilson
- Document how to add the feedback tool.SAK-29944Resolved issue: SAK-29944Matthew Buckett
- Feedback Tool - Typo error in tool titleSAK-29724Resolved issue: SAK-29724Miguel Pellicer
- Feedback Tool - Small improvements over textsSAK-29681Resolved issue: SAK-29681Miguel Pellicer
- Feedback Tool - Attachment section is not accessibleSAK-29680Resolved issue: SAK-29680Miguel Pellicer
- Add Feedback DDL to conversion scriptsSAK-29657Resolved issue: SAK-29657Miguel Pellicer
- Feedback Tool - feedback-help-item is not usedSAK-29599Resolved issue: SAK-29599Francisco Saez
- Suggestions panel should not be shown if featureSuggestionUrl is emptySAK-29592Resolved issue: SAK-29592Francisco Saez
- add licence to source codeSAK-29588Resolved issue: SAK-29588Miguel Pellicer
- associate portal icon for Feedback toolSAK-29579Resolved issue: SAK-29579Miguel Pellicer
- Feedback tool - Use portal JQUERYSAK-29572Resolved issue: SAK-29572Miguel Pellicer
- Change images in Feedback tool to use Font Awesome font and add alt attributeSAK-29568Resolved issue: SAK-29568Miguel Pellicer
- email address field in not accessibleSAK-29567Resolved issue: SAK-29567Miguel Pellicer
- Missing <title>SAK-29566Resolved issue: SAK-29566Miguel Pellicer
- Remove tables on data entry pagesSAK-29565Resolved issue: SAK-29565Miguel Pellicer
- Feedback Tool - Indicate in UI that "team contact email" and "feedback URL" are unset.SAK-29539Resolved issue: SAK-29539Miguel Pellicer
- Feedback Tool - Help links causes 404SAK-29538Resolved issue: SAK-29538Miguel Pellicer
- Feedback Tool - helpdeskUrl has no effect over the applicationSAK-29537Resolved issue: SAK-29537Miguel Pellicer
- Feedback Tool - The contact name uses a different propertySAK-29536Resolved issue: SAK-29536Miguel Pellicer
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