- Dropbox: folder permissions not working correctlySAK-50717Resolved issue: SAK-50717
- Resources folder permissions brokenSAK-50642Resolved issue: SAK-50642Andrea Schmidt
- Drop Box: Folder Re-order accessibility issues with WCAG 2.5.1 and 2.5.7SAK-50588
- Calculate content sizes depending on collection typeSAK-50375Resolved issue: SAK-50375Andrea Schmidt
- Responsiveness of Discussions and Dropbox toolsSAK-50368Sharadhi Raghuraj
- Add Notifications for Drop Box activitySAK-50038
- Dropbox: Upload files to multiple drop boxes' page does not follow dark mode theme.SAK-49880Resolved issue: SAK-49880Sam Ottenhoff
- Drop Box: Web address on folder details does not follow dark mode themeSAK-49879
- Drop box: Create text document features does not follow dark mode theme.SAK-49878
- Dropbox: The header of copyright dialog box is not readable on dark mode.SAK-49877
- Drop Box: Helper text on 'add links' is not readable.SAK-49875
- Drop Box: Add web link description does not follow the dark mode theme.SAK-49874
- Dropbox: Notifications does not respect groupsSAK-49555Resolved issue: SAK-49555Miguel Pellicer
- Autoremoval of folders is not working with the new permissionsSAK-49483Resolved issue: SAK-49483Daniel Merino
- No ability to delete files from drop boxSAK-49353Resolved issue: SAK-49353
- Drop Box: Multiple issues with notificationsSAK-49171
- Drop Box: if the option "Do not allow email notification to be sent" is set, students still receive the drop-down to send an email even though the email does not get sentSAK-49170
- Drop Box: When uploading to multiple folders at once, and the box is checked to send an email, an email gets sent even if Option is set to "Do not allow email notification to be sent"SAK-49169
- Drop Box: Set the option default to Allow email notifications to be sentSAK-49168
- Preferences: Split up the Resources and Dropbox preferencesSAK-49167
- Drop Box: Pink error banner displays when selecting Upload files to multiple Drop Box folders tabSAK-49135Resolved issue: SAK-49135kunaljaykam
- Version updates in Drop Box tool, Transfer Files windowSAK-48457
- Drop Box's Create Folders page features difficult-to-read text in Dark Mode due to element without Dark Mode colorationSAK-48260Resolved issue: SAK-48260kunaljaykam
- The information button yields an unreadable box in Dark ModeSAK-48259Resolved issue: SAK-48259kunaljaykam
- Dropbox's starred folder icons are visually unclear, especially on dark themeSAK-47751
- DropBox: The instructor no longer has the option to move a student folder to the trashSAK-47731
- Drop Box: Upload files to multiple Drop Box folders only allows 1 file to be uploadedSAK-47635
- DropBox & Resources: Console error when clicking on Transfer Files (WebDav): Cannot set properties of null (setting 'classList')SAK-47634Resolved issue: SAK-47634Christopher Maurer
- Content: Upload some files cause NPE in notificationsSAK-47424Resolved issue: SAK-47424Miguel Pellicer
- Drop Box: When the account name is updated, the Drop Box folder name keeps the old nameSAK-47312
- Drop Box - Update WebDAV Instructions PageSAK-47141
- Drop Box used quota is not working in group-user spacesSAK-46936Resolved issue: SAK-46936
- Drop box - address user input loss on validation errorsSAK-46881Resolved issue: SAK-46881Brian Baillargeon
- New Drop Box permissions are not included in !site.template, !site.template.course on new Sakai instances (I.e. using AutoDDL)SAK-46724Resolved issue: SAK-46724
- Drop Box / making tool invisible and back to visible allows student access to all drop boxesSAK-46381Resolved issue: SAK-46381Sam Ottenhoff
- Drop Box | Email notification stylingSAK-46249
- Resources and Drop Box | Active folder colors need updatingSAK-46247Resolved issue: SAK-46247Michael Greene
- Hiding and enabling Dropbox gives full set of permissions to non-maintainer rolesSAK-46236Resolved issue: SAK-46236
- Copyright enforcement can be bypassed using drop boxSAK-46114Resolved issue: SAK-46114Brian J.
- Resources > confusion with the intention of the email notification featureSAK-46036Resolved issue: SAK-46036Brian J.
- Resources > edit > no copyright warning when flipping copyright back to "please select..."SAK-46033Resolved issue: SAK-46033Brian J.
- Improve Drop Box authorizationSAK-46030Resolved issue: SAK-46030Brian Baillargeon
- Drop Box | Name sortingSAK-45530
- Dropbox tool: empty folders are removed, they are not sent to TrashSAK-45198
- NPE on notifyDragAndDropCompleted() with .HEIC filesSAK-44965
- Drop Box student folder in trash is missing student name/ID and cannot be restoredSAK-44760Resolved issue: SAK-44760Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Abnormal configuration for Add menu in Search Resources page of Drop Box Create Citation ListSAK-44759
- Extra blank column in Search Resources/Add Attachment page while creating new Citation ListSAK-44758Resolved issue: SAK-44758Bernardo Garcia Vila
- Duplicate Done buttons shown when adding new Citation ListSAK-44757
- Drop Box tool not displayed in tools list when added to a siteSAK-44633Resolved issue: SAK-44633Adrian Fish
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