- Delegated Access: the table for assigning delegated access is very broken, admin has to guess and chase the checkboxesSAK-51004kunaljaykam
- Delegated Access: Fix the expanded folder issue so an admin knows what they are selectingSAK-50949Resolved issue: SAK-50949Sam Ottenhoff
- Update Apache Wicket 9.20.0SAK-50924Resolved issue: SAK-50924David Horwitz
- Delegated Access: DA site in Recent list will not stay expandedSAK-50731Earle Nietzel
- Delegated Access: Editing page does not follow dark modeSAK-50721
- DelegatedAccess to a staff member is not workingSAK-50716Resolved issue: SAK-50716Sam Ottenhoff
- Delegated Access: View Edit permission for user is faultySAK-50669Resolved issue: SAK-50669
- Visiting a site using Delegated Access doesn't update recent sitesSAK-50401Resolved issue: SAK-50401Earle Nietzel
- DA Tool Admin UI Not WorkingSAK-50400Resolved issue: SAK-50400Sam Ottenhoff
- DA returning two users if the user is internal and externalSAK-50173Resolved issue: SAK-50173Sam Ottenhoff
- DA users unable to save changes to folder propertiesSAK-46945
- Admin Workspace: Delegated Access - Permission editor is white in dark modeSAK-46739
- Admin Workspace: Delegated Access - Dark Theme Makes List UnreadableSAK-46736Resolved issue: SAK-46736Matthew Jones
- Upgrade the Sakai Wicket 6 based tools to use Wicket 9SAK-45738Resolved issue: SAK-45738Sam Ottenhoff
- Deprecated: new AttributeModifier(String attribute, booleanSAK-45708Resolved issue: SAK-45708David Horwitz
- delegated access / provide export for users and accessSAK-45645
- delegatedaccess, admin-perms-tool: Update Joda-time => java.timeSAK-45360Resolved issue: SAK-45360David Horwitz
- NPE on tomcat startup with the DelegatedAccessSampleDataLoaderSAK-44358Resolved issue: SAK-44358Christopher Maurer
- Wicket Tools use (non-Idempotent Links) (not bookmarkable)SAK-44099Resolved issue: SAK-44099Brian J.
- datest email address should be set by defaultSAK-43382Resolved issue: SAK-43382Earle Nietzel
- Update commons-configuration=> commons-configuration2SAK-42673Resolved issue: SAK-42673David Horwitz
- Delegated Access > use friendly label for over-ridden hierarchy levelsSAK-41740Resolved issue: SAK-41740Brian J.
- Delegated Access > prevent Hierarchy job from auto-restartingSAK-41739Resolved issue: SAK-41739Brian J.
- Delegated Access > more configuration options to enable or disable settingsSAK-41718Resolved issue: SAK-41718Brian J.
- Wicket 6.30.0 & 7.11.0SAK-41289Resolved issue: SAK-41289David Horwitz
- Wicket 6.29.0 & 7.10.0SAK-40989Resolved issue: SAK-40989David Horwitz
- Delegated Access > does not work for provided LDAP usersSAK-40857Resolved issue: SAK-40857Brian J.
- DA Download CSV : TODO: Fix code to exportData removed in migrationSAK-40433Resolved issue: SAK-40433Sam Ottenhoff
- Restricting tool in Delegated Access not workingSAK-39987Resolved issue: SAK-39987Bernardo Garcia Vila
- scheduledInvocationManager.createDelayedInvocation remove deprecated TimeServiceSAK-33507Resolved issue: SAK-33507David Horwitz
- Upgrade deprecated delegated access components (LinkTree and TreeTable)SAK-33238Resolved issue: SAK-33238Core Team
- Improve logging for DA's DAOSAK-33237Resolved issue: SAK-33237Bryan Holladay
- Add ECL2 LICENSE, NOTICE and source headers to .java and .html filesSAK-33236Resolved issue: SAK-33236Anthony Whyte
- Add 2.9 build profile for DASAK-33235Resolved issue: SAK-33235Matthew Jones
- Remove term column in the Shopping and User settings pagesSAK-33234Resolved issue: SAK-33234Bryan Holladay
- Update trunk version to 10.0-SNAPSHOT, clean up dependenciesSAK-33233Resolved issue: SAK-33233Anthony Whyte
- Don't run queries against empty arraysSAK-33232Resolved issue: SAK-33232Bryan Holladay
- Upgrade Delegated Access to Wicket 7SAK-33231Resolved issue: SAK-33231Core Team
- Provide a warning to the user when they set a shopping period if they haven't selected any tools.SAK-33230Resolved issue: SAK-33230Bryan Holladay
- Create a search filter when assigning user access permissionsSAK-33229Resolved issue: SAK-33229Bryan Holladay
- Only allow subadmins to assign permissions at their permission level or lowerSAK-33228Resolved issue: SAK-33228Bryan Holladay
- Add property to set the number of latest terms you want to showSAK-33227Resolved issue: SAK-33227Bryan Holladay
- Add Advanced Options column in shopping admin pageSAK-33226Resolved issue: SAK-33226Bryan Holladay
- Add/Remove DA tool to a user's My Workspace after granting/removing permissionsSAK-33225Resolved issue: SAK-33225Bryan Holladay
- Automated method to recreate DA tools in users' My Workspaces after My Workspaces are deletedSAK-33224Resolved issue: SAK-33224Bryan Holladay
- Create a link in the search results to look up instructorsSAK-33223Resolved issue: SAK-33223Bryan Holladay
- Add property to restrict certain roles in site info -> manage access -> view DA accessSAK-33222Resolved issue: SAK-33222Bryan Holladay
- Don't show role option if there is only one role option for instructors shopping period settingsSAK-33221Resolved issue: SAK-33221Bryan Holladay
- Allow admins and instructors to have an interface so that they set tools that can be available to logged in but not to publicSAK-33220Resolved issue: SAK-33220Bryan Holladay
- Sub admin should not be able to modify their own permission settingsSAK-33219Resolved issue: SAK-33219Bryan Holladay
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