- PROFILE - ORA-00933: comando SQL no terminado correctamente - ORACLESAK-51007Resolved issue: SAK-51007Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Profile - Lock this profile? button is working?SAK-51006Adrian Fish
- Profile: Error message on bad inputSAK-50966Resolved issue: SAK-50966Sam Ottenhoff
- Profile: Save failed in My ProfileSAK-50965Resolved issue: SAK-50965Earle Nietzel
- Profile - Personal summary is not persistedSAK-50948Resolved issue: SAK-50948Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Update Apache Wicket 9.20.0SAK-50924Resolved issue: SAK-50924David Horwitz
- Profile > Preferences setting displays "preferences.image.message"SAK-50722Resolved issue: SAK-50722
- Profile: Unable to view pronunciation, pronouns, pictureSAK-50638Resolved issue: SAK-50638Sam Ottenhoff
- Profile: Preferences text "preferences.image.message"SAK-50636Resolved issue: SAK-50636Sam Ottenhoff
- Profile: Disabling add as a connection causes other issuesSAK-50566Resolved issue: SAK-50566
- Remove old/seldom used features from Profile toolSAK-50536Resolved issue: SAK-50536Adrian Fish
- Profile: connections feature not completely disabled with property profile2.connections.enabled= falseSAK-50501Resolved issue: SAK-50501Adrian Fish
- Profile: Personal summary text box does not follow dark modeSAK-50388Resolved issue: SAK-50388
- Profile: When looking at another user's profile, the birthdate is not formatted correctlySAK-50274Resolved issue: SAK-50274Matthew Jones
- Profile: ckeditor standard version console error - This CKEditor 4.22.1 (Standard) version is not secure.SAK-50273Resolved issue: SAK-50273Matthew Jones
- Profile remove deprecated hibernate templateSAK-50266Resolved issue: SAK-50266Andrea Schmidt
- Profile: TypeError: $(...).qtip is not a functionSAK-50251Resolved issue: SAK-50251kunaljaykam
- Profile: SAKAI_LOCKS_INDEX error as soon as user clicks on Profile from their home pageSAK-49991Resolved issue: SAK-49991Earle Nietzel
- Roster-View Profile: users receive "The site you requested is not available" after clicking to view a user's profileSAK-49990Resolved issue: SAK-49990Sam Ottenhoff
- Multiple tools always displayed in Dark Mode, regardless of settingsSAK-49973Resolved issue: SAK-49973Core Team
- Profile2 Wicket 6 to Wicket 9 UpgradeSAK-49953Resolved issue: SAK-49953Sam Ottenhoff
- Discussions: Author profile popups do not displaySAK-49927Resolved issue: SAK-49927Sam Ottenhoff
- Profile: SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationExceptionSAK-49888
- Remove My Connections from the user's (avatar) drop down menuSAK-49583Resolved issue: SAK-49583Earle Nietzel
- Cannot change / add profile photo with profile2.avatar.initials.enabled=falseSAK-49328Resolved issue: SAK-49328kunaljaykam
- Cannot change / add profile photoSAK-49311Resolved issue: SAK-49311kunaljaykam
- Profile: Privacy options not honoredSAK-49198Resolved issue: SAK-49198
- Profile > Privacy: page needs formattingSAK-49193Resolved issue: SAK-49193kunaljaykam
- Ignite: Error Cache pesimistic and node fails - TypeImplSAK-49146Resolved issue: SAK-49146Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Roster: Does not obey user privacy settingSAK-49099Resolved issue: SAK-49099Adrian Fish
- Profile Picture: Cannot use image bigger than 1000x1000 pixel or 300kb in file size.SAK-49096Resolved issue: SAK-49096
- Profile: Options for editing “Basic Information” and “Name Pronunciation” are no longer keyboard/screen reader accessibleSAK-48875Resolved issue: SAK-48875Matthew Jones
- Profile image doesn't work if font libraries aren't available on the systemSAK-48641Resolved issue: SAK-48641Matthew Jones
- Discussions-Profile: It is no longer possible to make a connection through DiscussionsSAK-48500
- Profile Picture: Missing tutorial buttonSAK-48498Resolved issue: SAK-48498kunaljaykam
- Profile: Stacktraces when user logs in - MissingResourceException profile-popup and connection-managerSAK-48495Resolved issue: SAK-48495
- Ignite: Error Cache pessimistic and node failsSAK-48493Resolved issue: SAK-48493Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Profile Picture: Missing My Connections under profile iconSAK-48480Core Team
- Profile: Takes more steps to update a profile picSAK-48407Resolved issue: SAK-48407Sean Horner
- Roster: connect option missingSAK-48362Resolved issue: SAK-48362Adrian Fish
- Profile: mail templates internationalizationSAK-48350Resolved issue: SAK-48350Jorge Cánovas
- Profile: Unexpected results when uploading pictures to the gallery.SAK-48220Adrian Fish
- Profile: The profile image is not updated immediately after uploading a new image.SAK-48214Resolved issue: SAK-48214kunaljaykam
- Profile: Unable to receive a bullhorn alert after sending or confirming the connection request.SAK-48213Resolved issue: SAK-48213
- Update Profile to use Bootstrap 5 and work correctly in the new portalSAK-48012Resolved issue: SAK-48012
- org.sakaiproject.profile2.logic.SakaiProxyImpl.getSakaiPerson SakaiProxy.getSakaiPerson(): Couldn't get SakaiPersonSAK-48007Resolved issue: SAK-48007Jesus Maria Mendez Perez
- Profile: Allows user to use existing email.SAK-47971
- Error 500 - Direct request failure: EntityNotFoundException:Invalid user.SAK-47894Resolved issue: SAK-47894Victor Gomollon Martos
- Profile: When starting to type a connection's name in compose a message, there is no "drop-down" and the names overlap the subject fieldSAK-47853
- Profile tool's rich text editors don't change colors for dark themeSAK-47827
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