- Conversation: java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException:Duplicate entrySAK-51137Earle Nietzel
- Exceptions in ConversationsController are lostSAK-51110Resolved issue: SAK-51110Adrian Fish
- Conversations: Search option is not visible for students even when search.enabled = trueSAK-51061Adrian Fish
- Refactor conversations webcomponents tests - 1 test per componentSAK-51026Adrian Fish
- Conversations double fetchesSAK-50869Adrian Fish
- Search index > EmailTemplateServiceImpl: Exception in thread "pool-5-thread-3" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationExceptionSAK-50862
- Conversations: console error Failed to execute 'json' on 'Response' - users unable to see postsSAK-50861Resolved issue: SAK-50861Sam Ottenhoff
- Conversations: set grading permissions for instructor by defaultSAK-50815Resolved issue: SAK-50815Adrian Fish
- Conversations-Gradebook: Grades not passed if the GB item was created through ConversationsSAK-50766Resolved issue: SAK-50766Adrian Fish
- Conversations-Graded Discussion: server warnings when student posts - o.s.g.i.GradingServiceImpl.getGradesForStudentsForItem and o.s.c.i.ConversationsServiceImpl.getPostsByTopicIdSAK-50765Resolved issue: SAK-50765Sam Ottenhoff
- Conversations-Graded Question: error when student answers - Exception in thread "pool-5-thread-19" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationExceptionSAK-50764Adrian Fish
- Conversations implement archive/mergeSAK-50748Adrian Fish
- Associate Conversations Topic with Gradebook ItemSAK-50610Resolved issue: SAK-50610Adrian Fish
- Additional settings for upvoting and reactionsSAK-50609Adrian Fish
- Conversations: Users are not able to see reactions on the Discussions or Questions they createSAK-50597Adrian Fish
- Conversations: With allow reactions setting on, but no permissions for any role to add reactions, users are able to add reactionsSAK-50596Adrian Fish
- Conversations: Upvoting displays for Questions even if upvoting has been turned off and no users have upvoting permissionsSAK-50595Resolved issue: SAK-50595Adrian Fish
- Conversations: Upvoting doesn't work at all and reactions only partially workingSAK-50526Resolved issue: SAK-50526Adrian Fish
- Conversations comment MESSAGE field should be a text field not varchar 255SAK-50498Resolved issue: SAK-50498Adrian Fish
- Conversations search button should not display if search.enable=falseSAK-50497Resolved issue: SAK-50497Adrian Fish
- In Conversations, Good Post and Reactions don't work on replies to a topicSAK-50304Resolved issue: SAK-50304Adrian Fish
- Conversations: Edit guidelines does not spawn CkEditor text fieldSAK-50220Resolved issue: SAK-50220Adrian Fish
- Conversations: posting reaction to posts fails with network errorSAK-50219Adrian Fish
- CLONE - Conversations: o.h.e.j.s.SqlExceptionHelper.logExceptions (conn=248009) Duplicate entrySAK-50195Earle Nietzel
- Conversations: Private reply to public post displays "1 Reply", tool tip is "undefined"SAK-50194Adrian Fish
- Console log error for incorrect use of label for sakai-search-fieldSAK-50062Resolved issue: SAK-50062Adrian Fish
- Add Notifications for Conversations ActivitySAK-50036Adrian Fish
- Conversations: Replying does not work, clicking on a post causes console errorsSAK-49930Resolved issue: SAK-49930
- Site Import - Merge is replacing data in ConversationsSAK-49897Resolved issue: SAK-49897Adrian Fish
- Can't comment on a conversations post. Nothing happens and there is a console error.SAK-49890Resolved issue: SAK-49890Adrian Fish
- Conversations: getPostsByTopicId fails sometimes on WindowsSAK-49889Resolved issue: SAK-49889Sam Ottenhoff
- Kebab menu on conversations post is coloured incorrectly in dark modeSAK-49872Resolved issue: SAK-49872Adrian Fish
- Conversations: o.h.e.j.s.SqlExceptionHelper.logExceptions (conn=3719) Duplicate entrySAK-49845Resolved issue: SAK-49845Earle Nietzel
- Conversations: user cannot edit topic unless console errors are presentSAK-49844Resolved issue: SAK-49844Adrian Fish
- Conversations: Users unable to reply to topics - Uncaught TypeError: document.getElementById(...).getContent is not a functionSAK-49843Resolved issue: SAK-49843Adrian Fish
- settings gives ugly JavaScript error on Safari (only)SAK-49713Resolved issue: SAK-49713Adrian Fish
- CKeditor in Conversations has no iconsSAK-49679Resolved issue: SAK-49679Adrian Fish
- CKeditor is missing in ConversationsSAK-49678Resolved issue: SAK-49678Adrian Fish
- Conversations discussion topics are changed to question topics upon importSAK-49677Resolved issue: SAK-49677Adrian Fish
- Conversations lock date test does not look for checkbox firstSAK-49665Adrian Fish
- conversations permissions in Admin Realms don't match the functions in the sakai_realm_function tableSAK-49613Adrian Fish
- Conversations: aria labels needed for upvote countSAK-49304Adrian Fish
- Conversations: Under General Settings, unable to toggle options off/on using the JAWS screen readerSAK-49300Adrian Fish
- Conversations: Add a comment and reply textboxes need fixed if the toolbar is expanded for the text editorSAK-49279Adrian Fish
- Conversations: update text in message when Show date comes after the Due dateSAK-49275Adrian Fish
- Conversations: text link for Add a Reaction missingSAK-49274Adrian Fish
- Conversations: console errors and server error - TypeError: this.topic.posts is undefined, JSON.parse error & o.h.e.j.s.SqlExceptionHelper.logExceptionsSAK-49263Resolved issue: SAK-49263Adrian Fish
- Conversations: Unable to publish a topicSAK-49248Resolved issue: SAK-49248Adrian Fish
- Conversations: Error message needed if user sets Show date further in the future than the due dateSAK-49247Resolved issue: SAK-49247Adrian Fish
- Conversations: Private reply does not work as expectedSAK-49245Resolved issue: SAK-49245Adrian Fish
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