- Add Entitybroker to the KernelSAK-39921Resolved issue: SAK-39921
- Make sakai_site.sql create IS_SOFTLY_DELETED column as not null default 0SAK-39920Resolved issue: SAK-39920KERNEL TEAM
- CLONE - The ability to move a site to a recycle bin and then purge it after a set period of timeSAK-39918Resolved issue: SAK-39918David Horwitz
- CLONE - Drop Box QuotaSAK-39916Resolved issue: SAK-39916Sam Ottenhoff
- The group property to enable Site Info to see groups should be moved out of site-manage and into kernel-apiSAK-39913Resolved issue: SAK-39913KERNEL TEAM
- Set the logger in ActivityServiceImpl to the current classSAK-39912Resolved issue: SAK-39912Matthew Buckett
- Allow data image encoded src in formattedtextSAK-39874Resolved issue: SAK-39874Sam Ottenhoff
- Add getSortName() to DisplayAdvisorUDP.javaSAK-39864Resolved issue: SAK-39864David Horwitz
- NPE when running tests from BasicContentTypeImageServiceSAK-39861Resolved issue: SAK-39861Matthew Buckett
- Improve error handling in ReEncryptPasswordsSAK-39859Resolved issue: SAK-39859Matthew Buckett
- Add generic parameter to Entity interfaces.SAK-39851Resolved issue: SAK-39851Matthew Buckett
- Fix any major issues found by FindBugs in the FormattedTextImplSAK-39838Resolved issue: SAK-39838KERNEL TEAM
- Update link in DbContentService to point to more recent guide for UTF8SAK-39812Resolved issue: SAK-39812Matthew Jones
- Kernel libray upgradesSAK-39800Resolved issue: SAK-39800KERNEL TEAM
- Need new type of "create" action handled entirely by helperSAK-39794Resolved issue: SAK-39794Beth Kirschner
- Possible Regression on Oracle Conversion for SAKAI_CLUSTERSAK-39789Resolved issue: SAK-39789Matthew Jones
- Ability to limit site creation permission for project siteSAK-39778Resolved issue: SAK-39778Steve Swinsburg
- Upgrade to javax.mail 1.4.5SAK-39772Resolved issue: SAK-39772David Horwitz
- Remove outdated SQL scriptsSAK-39765Resolved issue: SAK-39765KERNEL TEAM
- ContentHosting should post an event whenever a change is made in the availability of a resourceSAK-39753Resolved issue: SAK-39753Jim Eng
- Set site.roleswap permissions for appropriate roles in OOTB realmsSAK-39726Resolved issue: SAK-39726KERNEL TEAM
- Default user.template realms should have site.add.portfolio by defaultSAK-39720Resolved issue: SAK-39720Sam Ottenhoff
- Turn kernel-util into a service so we can more easily update kernel-utilSAK-39716Resolved issue: SAK-39716Aaron Zeckoski
- Add CSS classes to site description body and main div so the site description can be styled directlySAK-39699Resolved issue: SAK-39699Sam Ottenhoff
- Clean up caching code in BaseContentServiceSAK-39692Resolved issue: SAK-39692KERNEL TEAM
- Add the Password Reset tool to the Gateway site by defaultSAK-39689Resolved issue: SAK-39689Matthew Buckett
- Remove sakai-mock projectSAK-39680Resolved issue: SAK-39680Matthew Buckett
- Upgrade to Spring 2.5.6.SEC03SAK-39665Resolved issue: SAK-39665David Horwitz
- In correct copyright date at bottom of http://localhost:8080/portal/SAK-39664Resolved issue: SAK-39664Matthew Jones
- Change default overflowToDisk to be false for all cachesSAK-39661Resolved issue: SAK-39661KERNEL TEAM
- Upgrade to HSQL db 2.2.8SAK-39659Resolved issue: SAK-39659KERNEL TEAM
- Move SakaiLocaleResolver to kernel-utilSAK-39609Resolved issue: SAK-39609KERNEL TEAM
- Allow date access to time propertiesSAK-39587Resolved issue: SAK-39587KERNEL TEAM
- Add @since anotation for new group provider methogSAK-39581Resolved issue: SAK-39581David Horwitz
- Replace use of StringUtil.trimto null with common-lang methodSAK-39571Resolved issue: SAK-39571Aaron Zeckoski
- Register Tomcat JDBC mBean during init()SAK-39568Resolved issue: SAK-39568Sam Ottenhoff
- AuthenticationCache cache not serializedSAK-39563Resolved issue: SAK-39563KERNEL TEAM
- Have Site IDs re-written when duplicating site content.SAK-39548Resolved issue: SAK-39548KERNEL TEAM
- Site template required for LTI launchesSAK-39538Resolved issue: SAK-39538KERNEL TEAM
- Allow add tool categories in issue: SAK-39524Aaron Zeckoski
- Support an authentication ID for a userSAK-39518Resolved issue: SAK-39518Aaron Zeckoski
- Delegated Access Sakai patchesSAK-39516Resolved issue: SAK-39516Aaron Zeckoski
- Include the ability to create attachments on the fly.SAK-39506Resolved issue: SAK-39506Aaron Zeckoski
- Add convenience method to return multi-value string properties as List<String>SAK-39501Resolved issue: SAK-39501Aaron Zeckoski
- Ability to disable usersSAK-39499Resolved issue: SAK-39499
- Dropbox folder name does not change after user name changeSAK-39497KERNEL TEAM
- provide a kernel util class that implements SecurityAdvisor interface with one or list of permissionsSAK-39494Resolved issue: SAK-39494KERNEL TEAM
- Add new SelectionType to retrieve all sites a member belongs to regardless of published statusSAK-39488Resolved issue: SAK-39488KERNEL TEAM
- Add support for HTML5 audio/video tags to security policySAK-39481Resolved issue: SAK-39481Sam Ottenhoff
- Make the returns from FormattedText content scans configurable (silent, quiet, noisy) to allow parity with all other major LMSsSAK-39477Resolved issue: SAK-39477Aaron Zeckoski
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