- Fix for Web Services IP Filtering - SAK-13689SAK-39914Resolved issue: SAK-39914Ian Boston
- Fix redirect issues for non Webspehere containers.SAK-39905Resolved issue: SAK-39905Ian Boston
- Transaction manager needs a JDBC Data source connection to perform transactions.SAK-39903Resolved issue: SAK-39903Ian Boston
- Sort resources with mixed alphabetic and numeric namesSAK-39901Resolved issue: SAK-39901Ian Boston
- Add new string in UsageSessionService for a container loginSAK-39898Resolved issue: SAK-39898David Horwitz
- Excessive Sakai user login times causing user frustrationSAK-39895Resolved issue: SAK-39895David Horwitz
- Fixing the migration from file store on DB to File SystemSAK-39887Resolved issue: SAK-39887KERNEL TEAM
- Simplify Sakai Kernel Test set-upSAK-39882Resolved issue: SAK-39882Ian Boston
- Improve performance of hibernate and other things that use DB connections without actually calling the DB via lazy proxySAK-39879Resolved issue: SAK-39879Ian Boston
- Site Quota ControlSAK-39871Resolved issue: SAK-39871
- transferCopyEntities does not create missing collection properly, leaves resource locking issuesSAK-39867Resolved issue: SAK-39867David Horwitz
- Create compatilbity patch for IE9SAK-39866Resolved issue: SAK-39866Anthony Whyte
- Automatically remove dropboxes for users who aren't members of the siteSAK-39858Resolved issue: SAK-39858Aaron Zeckoski
- Improve performance by pre-caching Sakai usersSAK-39857Resolved issue: SAK-39857Aaron Zeckoski
- Content Sort patch from coreSAK-39856Resolved issue: SAK-39856Ian Boston
- Confusing Javadoc in SessionManager referes to UsageSessions.SAK-39854Resolved issue: SAK-39854KERNEL TEAM
- convert org.sakaiproject.util.commonscodec.CommonsCodecBase64 methods to Apache commons-codec in Xml.javaSAK-39836Resolved issue: SAK-39836David Horwitz
- remove unused org.sakaiproject.util.commonscodec.CommonsCodecBase64 import in BaseResourceProperties.javaSAK-39835Resolved issue: SAK-39835David Horwitz
- Remove Sakai-specific BASE64 decoding in BasicAuthSAK-39834Resolved issue: SAK-39834David Horwitz
- Add methods to SecurityService, AuthzGroupService and BaseAuthzGroupService.Storage interfaces to support efficent access to lists of "contained" realmsSAK-39832Resolved issue: SAK-39832Jim Eng
- Upgrade Hibernate to 3.2.7SAK-39822Resolved issue: SAK-39822
- Post event when appserver startsSAK-39810Resolved issue: SAK-39810Stephen Marquard
- Add MIME types for MS OOXML formats (docx, etc.)SAK-39807Resolved issue: SAK-39807Anthony Whyte
- Tool titles should be displayed in user's prefered language/localeSAK-39804Resolved issue: SAK-39804Beth Kirschner
- Allow shutdown of JVM when component managers fails to startSAK-39801Resolved issue: SAK-39801David Horwitz
- Update distribution management in pomsSAK-39798Resolved issue: SAK-39798David Horwitz
- Always catch exceptions in processFormattedTextSAK-39797Resolved issue: SAK-39797Stephen Marquard
- check use of throw new ErrorSAK-39796Resolved issue: SAK-39796David Horwitz
- Report kernel version from kernel config serviceSAK-39793Resolved issue: SAK-39793David Horwitz
- Support files > 2GSAK-39791Resolved issue: SAK-39791Stephen Marquard
- Update issuemanagement link in base pomSAK-39788Resolved issue: SAK-39788Anthony Whyte
- Create Delayable EventsSAK-39782Resolved issue: SAK-39782Stephen Marquard
- Improve default log4j.propertiesSAK-39779Resolved issue: SAK-39779Ian Boston
- Use strict encoding and syntax check for redirect URIsSAK-39776Resolved issue: SAK-39776Stephen Marquard
- RequestFilter should catch some types of failuresSAK-39768Resolved issue: SAK-39768Stephen Marquard
- New org.sakaiproject.util.Web.cleanHtml() methodSAK-39766Resolved issue: SAK-39766Beth Kirschner
- Have the component manager generate events after startup and before stutdownSAK-39764Resolved issue: SAK-39764David Horwitz
- View Site as if in a Different RoleSAK-39763Resolved issue: SAK-39763Ian Boston
- Remove empty folders from kernel-utilSAK-39756Resolved issue: SAK-39756Anthony Whyte
- Localize FormattedText html tags, attributes and values that are considered good & evilSAK-39742Resolved issue: SAK-39742Beth Kirschner
- Add request logging to RequestFilter to assist performance and db query analysisSAK-39741Resolved issue: SAK-39741Stephen Marquard
- This patch adds smtp authentication and TLS to the kernel email component.SAK-39740Resolved issue: SAK-39740David Horwitz
- Update Sakai maven plugin to 1.2.0SAK-39739Resolved issue: SAK-39739Anthony Whyte
- Clean up empty folder in kernel-impl/SAK-39730Resolved issue: SAK-39730David Horwitz
- Export session stats over JMXSAK-39724Resolved issue: SAK-39724David Horwitz
- Review maxElementsIn store of core cachesSAK-39723Resolved issue: SAK-39723KERNEL TEAM
- ToolManager unnecessarily cagey about hidden statusSAK-39718Resolved issue: SAK-39718
- Update commons-io to 1.4SAK-39717Resolved issue: SAK-39717David Horwitz
- Convert dependencies on org.sakaiproject.util.commonscodec to Apache commons-codecSAK-39714Resolved issue: SAK-39714David Horwitz
- Update project, environment, distribution and build info in base pom.xmlSAK-39703Resolved issue: SAK-39703Anthony Whyte
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Please apply the kernel patch in SAK-13689 to support the setting of IP filter parameters from