- Numeric response's answer should be checked for numeric valueSAK-36983Resolved issue: SAK-36983SAMIGO TEAM
- Allow instructors to enter zero score for unsubmitted assessmentsSAK-36507Resolved issue: SAK-36507Jasmine Thapa
- Date and time format not localisedSAK-36232Resolved issue: SAK-36232Jasmine Thapa
- Data loss on auto-submitted assessment with Timer ErrorSAK-36228Resolved issue: SAK-36228SAMIGO TEAM
- Timer does not continue to count down when 5 minutes popup window appears.SAK-35890Resolved issue: SAK-35890SAMIGO TEAM
- Score cannot be correctedSAK-35505Resolved issue: SAK-35505David Roldán Martínez
- Add javadocsSAK-34961Resolved issue: SAK-34961SAMIGO TEAM
- Ability to save reportsSAK-28862Resolved issue: SAK-28862Nuno Grilo
- Add support Search eventsSAK-28861Resolved issue: SAK-28861Nuno Grilo
- Improve file selector in Reports pageSAK-28860Resolved issue: SAK-28860Nuno Grilo
- Create a sitestats assemblySAK-28859Resolved issue: SAK-28859Nuno Grilo
- Checking for sysadmin permission isn't necessarySAK-28852Resolved issue: SAK-28852Nuno Grilo
- Add support for Blog (Blogger) eventsSAK-28848Resolved issue: SAK-28848Nuno Grilo
- Find students that are not participating or have low participationSAK-28847Resolved issue: SAK-28847Nuno Grilo
- Russian Translations for Site Stats 1.1SAK-28846Resolved issue: SAK-28846Nuno Grilo
- HibernateException and other Exceptions differentiation at SiteStatsSAK-28842Resolved issue: SAK-28842Nuno Grilo
- Use new getContext() event methodSAK-28840Resolved issue: SAK-28840Nuno Grilo
- Add support for Site Info eventsSAK-28836Resolved issue: SAK-28836Nuno Grilo
- Add support for Mneme Test Center eventsSAK-28830Resolved issue: SAK-28830Nuno Grilo
- Hide UI elements if charts are not visibleSAK-28829Resolved issue: SAK-28829Nuno Grilo
- Change text "Read" to "Opened"SAK-28827Resolved issue: SAK-28827Nuno Grilo
- Disable Assignment Read eventSAK-28824Resolved issue: SAK-28824Nuno Grilo
- Workaround for inconsistent logging of contextSAK-28820Resolved issue: SAK-28820Nuno Grilo
- Show event id when no bundle existsSAK-28815Resolved issue: SAK-28815Nuno Grilo
- Auto-registration of events for new toolsSAK-28812Resolved issue: SAK-28812Nuno Grilo
- Cleanup old unused filesSAK-28808Resolved issue: SAK-28808Nuno Grilo
- Add support for NewsFeeds eventsSAK-28804Resolved issue: SAK-28804Nuno Grilo
- Refactor source codeSAK-28795Resolved issue: SAK-28795Nuno Grilo
- Replace redudant "Activity events" by EventsSAK-28794Resolved issue: SAK-28794Nuno Grilo
- Enable/disable site activity charts in sakai.propertiesSAK-28793Resolved issue: SAK-28793Nuno Grilo
- Add tool iconsSAK-28792Resolved issue: SAK-28792Nuno Grilo
- Ability to specify a different DB for the SiteStats tablesSAK-28790Resolved issue: SAK-28790Nuno Grilo
- Old preferences table not converted from 0.x to 1.xSAK-28779Resolved issue: SAK-28779Nuno Grilo
- Review Maven2 pom.xml for Maven Release pluginSAK-28775Resolved issue: SAK-28775Nuno Grilo
- Add support for YAFTSAK-28774Resolved issue: SAK-28774Nuno Grilo
- Show tool id when tool is not deployed and no bundle exists for tool idSAK-28765Resolved issue: SAK-28765Nuno Grilo
- Ability to report on anonymous access to filesSAK-28758Resolved issue: SAK-28758Nuno Grilo
- Switch to treeset for event IDsSAK-28746Resolved issue: SAK-28746Nuno Grilo
- Job event collection performance improvement for OracleSAK-28743Nuno Grilo
- Add support for BlogWow! eventsSAK-28739Resolved issue: SAK-28739Nuno Grilo
- (More) HibernateException and other Exceptions differentiation at SiteStatsSAK-28738Resolved issue: SAK-28738Nuno Grilo
- Make the i18n files a maven bundle.SAK-28737Resolved issue: SAK-28737Nuno Grilo
- Add Help contentsSAK-28735Resolved issue: SAK-28735Nuno Grilo
- Add privacy supportSAK-28712Nuno Grilo
- Calendar widget in Reports breaks when navigating months or yearsSAK-28678Resolved issue: SAK-28678Nuno Grilo
- Report of events per tool and all users showing a table with user, dates and tools associates all the activity to only one user.SAK-28665Resolved issue: SAK-28665Nuno Grilo
- Overview, Reports,Preferences menu items not shown on admin viewSAK-28653Resolved issue: SAK-28653Nuno Grilo
- CGLib deployed to webappSAK-28650Resolved issue: SAK-28650Nuno Grilo
- Site visit reports are an option when site visits are not processed (disabled)SAK-28646Resolved issue: SAK-28646Nuno Grilo
- Delete chat channel event definitiionSAK-28633Resolved issue: SAK-28633Nuno Grilo
50 of 260
In Test & Quizzes, when the student answer a Numeric Response question, the answer is not checked to be a number, at least in Sakai 2.5.
If the answer given is, for example, "abc", it's accepted. We think that this has no sense in a "Numeric Response" question.